Chapter 20

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The plane landing had woken me up. The sun shone brightly through my window, blinding me. I squinted my eyes as I pulled the blindes down. I shook James to wake him up. I folded the blanket and sat it on my seat. Grabbing my purse, James and I followed the other passengers to the exit. I pulled out my sunglasses and put them on as we started walking down the stairs. We grabbed our stuff after stretching out and made our way to the building. Once inside, I started searching for my dad. I finally found him standing by one of the benches holding a sign up with my name on it. We walked over to him. As he caught sight of me, he put the sign down. When I got closer to him, he pulled me in for a hug.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you. You've gotten taller." Dad said, pulling away from me.

"Yeah, it has. Dad, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, James. James this is my dad, Zayne." They said hello to each other as they shook hands.

"You do know that you'll sleep in a different room as her right?" Dad asked him, in a stern voice.

"Yes sir." James replied.

"Good. I also expect you to follow all rules while living under my roof." Dad had added, picking up my stuff.

"Yes sir." James replied, picking up his suitcase and followed us out to dad's car. Putting our belongings into the car, dad starts it up. I jumped into the front seat and James sat behind me in the back. We drove off from the Airport. It had been a long flight and I decided to take a nap. While I napped, dad and James talked among themselves.

"How did you meet my daughter?"

"She bumped into me on her way to the book store. We also had the same lunch and last class together." James replied, leaving out the fact that he had followed me to and from Barnes and Noble.

"Okay. Tell me, do you truly lovey daughter? Despite the fact that even though I agreed to let her date you, I still have my doubts about her dating a werewolf after what her mother had been through."

"I love Axel very much. I love her with all my heart and I always will. I would never hurt her." Dad looked back at James then back at the road. He was quiet for a while. I woke up as dad had turned onto a bumpy road that had turned into a dirt road. We finally turned into the driveway and dad parked the car. We climbed out of the car. I didn't see any neighbors for miles. I looked up at the house. It was a nice looking two story brick house. It had an attached garage and a shed behind the house a few feet away. I grabbed my stuff as we walked up to the front door. It was white with a small window above the silver door knocker. Walking in, dad showed us to our rooms. My room was painted a dark green. It had a white, metal bed in the center of the far wall. The mattress was covered in brown sheets and a brown comforter. The pillows had on light brown pillowcases. I set my stuff on my bed. I had noticed a white desk and dresser with a mirror on top on the other sides of the room. I walked over to James's room. His room was painted white and his bed was made out of wood. His mattress was covered in dark gray sheets with a black comforter. His pillows were in white pillowcases. He had a brown dresser and night stand.

I stood by the doorway. "If anything, at least dad tried to coordinate the colors." I said, making him jump. He turned around and smiled.

"Yeah. But, when I get a job, my room is gonna look different."

"You don't honestly think we're gonna live with my dad forever do you?" I asked, shocked.

"No, but for the time being, I don't wanna feel like I'm in a depressing room all of the time. I laughed.

"It's not depressing, it's simple. Come on, I think dad is cooking us some lunch." James followed me into the kitchen. Dad was standing over the stove making homemade potato soup. I searched the cabinets for bowls. Once I found them, I pulled them out and sat them on the table. Dad filled up our bowls and we sat down at the kitchen table. We enjoyed our soup as we talked about how our flight went. We talked about how we are going to find jobs and possibly go to college once our money is saved up. "Where do you both want to go to college?" Dad asked us.

"I want to go to any college that has creative writing and vetinarian classes." I replied, taking a bite of my soup.

"I think I'll go to college and become a doctor." James replied. Dad looked pleased at our answers. Then he turned to me.

"Did your mother leave anything for me before she died?"

"No. She believed you took what you wanted when you both got a divorce."

"Okay." He looks over at James. "Make sure to let your mother know you landed safely and that you're over here when you're done eating."

"I will." We continued eating our soup. Once we were done, we headed back upstairs and finished unpacking our things and put them away. I put the picture of my mother on my dresser. I put my box of money underneath at the head of my bed. I hung all my clothes up and put some in the dresser. I slid my purse underneath my bed as well. Once I had everything where I wanted, I went back downstairs. Looking for my dad, I finally found him in the basement. "Hey dad." I said.

"Hey." He turned around to face me.

"Do you think everything will go back to normal?" I asked.

"Everything is as normal as you want it to be. But, remember that there are still dangers out in this big old world. There are also still things that, though they have yet to be explained, still confuse us. You would have to dig deeper and do a lot of research to find most of your answers." We carried on our conversation. Not realizing that we were being watched from the outside. Not realizing the glowing red eyes staring angrily at us, or even realizing she had vanished into thin air plotting her revenge on us. As much as I want to live a normal life, despite dating a werewolf, I know that will never happen. Fate has it in for us as we continue our lives. Maybe one day, we will have the upper hand on fate. Or maybe we won't. Fate has a weird way of making things happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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