Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm and the pitter patter of rain. The events of last night rolled into my head and I felt numb inside. I even felt like an idiot. I hung my head in shame for a minute then got ready for school. I put on a pair of navy blue skinny jeans and a black, long sleeved turtle neck. I dug in my closet for my tannish looking ankle boots and put them on. Grabbing my backpack, I head downstairs to the kitchen. Grabbing a granola bar, I pour some orange juice. Mom walks in and makes some coffee. "Axel, I will drive you to school since it's raining out." She takes a sip of coffee as she looks at me.

"Ok mom. Sorry if I got upset last night with you. The divorce hits me hard." I can feel tears forming in my eyes and I blink them away. Mom comes over to me and wraps her arms around me. She breaks away after a few minutes and grabs her car keys. "Come on. Don't want you to be late for school." On the drive to school, the clouds get darker and darker. Flashes of lighting crack against the sky in the distance. We pull up in front of the school and I get out of the car. Mom drives off to work. I hurry inside the school.

Once inside the school, I make my way to my locker. Mr. Gunderson meets me at my locker and hands me a Barnes and Noble gift card of a hundred dollars. "It's for getting the highest grade. I meant to give it to you after the tests but it had completely slipped my mind." I took the gift card and hid it safely in my backpack. Mr. Gunderson turns around and walks away before I could tell him thanks. As if on cue, Kyleigh and her best friend Maddison walks up to me. Grabbing my books I close and lock my locker quickly.

"I want what Mr. Gunderson gave you just now." Kyleigh snaps, putting one hand on her hip and sticks one hand out with her palm facing upwards. Maddison blocks my exit. I start to laugh. "What's so funny?" Maddison asked as Kyleighs face darkens.

"He didn't give me anything. He asked me what kind of prize I wanted and I told him I didn't want anything." I said, smirking.

"Lies!" Kyleigh shrieks. "I saw him give you something and I want it now!!" She grabs ahold of my shirt and yanks me to where we are face to face. "Give it to me!!" I give her one good punch in her gut and break loose. She falls to the floor holding her stomach. I head off to the office and do my morning announcements.

After announcements, I walk to my first class of the day which is History class. Mr. Gunderson goes on and on about how the people who live in Greece worship more then one god. Then the intercom comes on and the principal, Mrs. Henson, says my name and wants me to come to her office. I grab my stuff and leave the classroom. Knowing what it is about, I plot my revenge on Kyleigh. Walking into her office, I noticed Kyleigh crying alligator tears in one of the chairs. Mrs. Henson points for me to sit in the other chair.

"Kyleigh has told me that you had punched her in her gut. Now, you know we do not tolerate fighting. So, explain to me why you did it." She folds her hands in front of her. Leaning forward, staring intently at me, she waits for me to explain. I took a deep breath.

"Mr. Gunderson had given me a Barnes and Noble gift card for getting the highest grade in class on a test we had taken. Kyleigh wanted it and I told her no. So, she grabbed me by my shirt and yanked me forwards to her and yelled at me. I had to do something to get away from her." I explained. I crossed my arms and sat back in my chair. Kyleigh, being the drama queen she is, stops crying and stands straight up.

"I didn't do that!! She's lying!!!" Mrs. Henson holds up a hand to stop Kyleigh from saying anything else. Kyleigh plops back on the chair and crosses her arms tightly across her chest. Mrs. Henson slowly sits back contemplating what to say next. I fiddle with my bracelets while waiting for her to say something. She clears her throat and stands up.

"Axel, you are free to go as I know you were only defending yourself and it wasn't right for Kyleigh to do that."She looks at Kyleigh and adds, "as for you, young lady, you have earned a weeks detention." Kyleigh's face turned beet red as she got angry. I left before she could yell at me. I went to my next class with a smirk on my face. Maybe today will not be as bad as I thought. Maybe.

The rest of the morning went by slow and lunch time finally came. Heading to the cafeteria, I decide on if I want to even eat. I finally decide on a salad and grab a water bottle. I sit at my usual seat. Back in the back and by my self. I spot Maddison walking towards me. When she got to my table, she didn't say a word. She dropped a note and walked away. Picking up the note, it read "just because you got off easy with Mrs. Henson doesn't mean this is over. You don't mess with me. See you soon, Kyleigh." I laughed and threw the note away. Putting my tray up I walked over to Maddison. "You can tell Kyleigh that I'm not the one she wants to mess with. I will be her worst nightmare." With that, I walked off.

The last two classes went by slowly and finally it was the last class of the day. I walk to my Homeroom class. I noticed a male adult sitting at the desk. He must be the subsitute. I sit down at my chair. I look up at the board. In red marker he had wrote his name, Mr. Adams. The classroom has started to fill up. That's when I felt eyes staring at me. I slowly look up. Mr. Adams was staring at me with intense hatred. I suddenly felt queasy. His eyes seemed to have been glowing red from the normal greeness of them.

I put my head back down and quickly finished my homework. Wishing the time would hurry up. Thinking quickly, I thought of the time spell I had once learned a few years ago. I stood my book up acting like I was reading it. I pointed at the clock and made a circle in the air. I whispered time leap. The clock's hand pointed at three and the bell rung signaling the end of the day. I ran out of the classroom and out of the school. Mom was waiting for me in her car. I jumped in, safe at last. We went home.

Once home, mom went to the kitchen to make dinner. I went upstairs and put my backpack away. I went downstairs and washed up for dinner. I could not shake the feeling of being hated away. The cold, hard stare of those red eyes held a tight grip in my mind and would not let go. Mom, having the instinct something was wrong asked, "everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired is all." I replied, yawning. After dinner I went and did the dishes. Mom hovered by my side for a little bit before she decided to head for bed. As I finish the dishes, I watch the rain pitter patter against the kitchen window. I sigh and dry off my hands. Going upstairs I pulled out my spell book. I skimmed through it. Most of these spells I already knew. There were just a handful of new spells that I could learn. I tossed the book on my dresser. Minx walked up and jumped onto my lap. I scratched behind her ears and she started to purr. Getting ready for bed, I pulled the covers up to my chin. Minx laying behind my head. Purring the whole time. It was such a sweet lullaby and I had instantly fell asleep.

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