Chapter 2

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The next morning, I wake up in a puddle of sweat. It had been forever since I had last had a nightmare. Especially one that deals with a werewolf. I remember in the nightmare I was running. Running away from something but I just can not remember from what. All I remember is the dark grey and black fur of the werewolf. Minx, noticing my drenced clothes, runs off. I get out some clean clothes and go take a shower. All while trying to not think of that nightmare.

After awhile, I get out and get dressed. I heard a bing on my laptop. I walk over to see what it is. Shocked, I read the message from an old friend of mine. She moved away back in our Freshman year and haven't heard from her since then. Her message wrote, "Hey Axel!! Sorry it's been a few years since I last talked to you. I've been so busy with school and work that its been crazy around here. How are you doing?? Keeping those grades up??" I laugh at her message and sit down on my chair. I get ready to reply.

"Hey, Aqua. It's ok. School life has been crazy for me as well. Now, home life has been getting crazy to. My parents both decided to get a divorce. Yes, I'm keeping my grades up. You know how badly I want to move outta here. I'm still debating if I wanna stay in New York or not." I pressed sent and took my towl of my head. Then I hung it over the shower curtain rod and brushed my teeth. Wondering what I should wear today, I hear another bing. I go back to my laptop and sit to read the message.

"Oh no!! I'm so sorry to hear that Axel!! I thought your parents were happy to be together. What did they fight over now??" I wrote back telling her I assumed it's all about me and my education. I pressed sent and walked over to my closet. I pulled out a black, puffy, short skirt and a dark purple, V necked, long sleeved shirt. I put on black socks and my black ankle boots. Brushing out my hair, mom calls for me downstairs. "Give me a few minutes!!" I hollar back. Using a spell to dry things quickly, I dry my hair. Then I put makeup on.

Going downstairs, I find mom in the livingroom. "Time for your flying lessons!!" She says cheerfully. I put my hands on my hips contemplating if I should tell her or not. I finally decide to tell her. "Mom, dad already taught me how to fly."

"Nonsense dear. He would've told me if he did or not."

"Mom, he really did teach me. I'm a level fourteen flyer." I said exasperated. Mom turned around to face me. My broom in her hands. Her face confused then angry. She tossed me my broom and gave me a look that said show me. I led her out the back door and down to the Trail Park a few blocks away from home. We got on our brooms and took off. We raced through the trees then up through the clouds. Then, after a couple hours we landed back at Trail Park. Mom, catching her breath said, "well done!" and started walking back home. Following after her, I said, "see, dad has been teaching me."

Back at home, I put my broom back in the broom closet. Mom makes some tea, and I go and wash my hands for lunch. I eat a sandwhich. Veggie burger to be precise. Mom eats a salad with grilled chicken slices in it. "I'm gonna go for a walk. I want to go to Barnes and Noble and buy some books."

"Ok, here. Here is forty bucks. Please be safe." Mom hands me the money and I go back upstairs. Once back in my room, I grab an extra hundred dollars. Just in case. I put it in my wallet then stick it in my purse. I go back downstairs and tell my mom I will be back after awhile. Walking outside, I head towards Barnes and Noble. The streets are packed with vehicles and the sidewalks are packed with people. New York has always been a busy city. Motorcyclist speed through the streets, and people yelling at eachother. I clutch the handle of my purse a little tighter. New York is a very dangerous place to be.

Still walking, I accidently bump into someone. "Whoops!! Sorry about that!! I didn't realize you were behind me." He said as he turns around to look at me. His eyes, a dark brown almost black in color, apologetic looking stares at me. His black hair, short and wavy. I mumble sorry and try to walk away. He grabs my arm. Shocked, I yank my arm back. I look at him angrily. "Sorry miss, but you had dropped your purse." Realizing I had done so, I took my purse back and muttered thank you. Then quickly walked off.

A few blocks later, I finally made it to Barnes and Noble. This is my favorite store ever. I roam the isles for books. Mainly looking for ones that deal with werewolves. Plus, if there's any spellbooks, I can get those as well. Looking around I found a couple books that talk about werewolves. Then, I noticed a thick, light brown leather book. Opening it, I realized it was a spellbook. Adding it to the two books that I found, I walked over to the cashier. "Find everything you were looking for?" She asked as she scanned by books. I said yes and paid for my books. Walking back home, I noticed a familiar face watching me as I walked. It was the same guy I had bumped into when I was walking to Barnes and Noble. I hurried on home.

Back at home, I put my books on my bed and went downstairs for dinner. I told my mom what had happened today and what books I had gotten. "That is so scary. There are dangerous people out there. I'm glad your not hurt. As for werewolves, I don't mind you learning about them, but don't ever let me find out you're dating one. I forbid you from it." I nod my head and finish eating dinner. Back upstairs, I plan on reading my books and practicing my spells on Sunday. I can't wait for tomorrow. I would read them tonight and practice tonight but I am just so exhausted. I toss and turn just like last night. Images of the guys eyes flash through my mind. Who was he and why was he following me?? I try to calm my mind and make the thoughts stop. Unfortunately, they don't. I'm going to have another fitful night. Sitting up, I decide to make some tea. Going downstairs I quietly make some tea and start drinking some. The warmth and the taste of honey soothes and relaxes me. I try to make it back to bed but sleep takes over and I sleep where I fall. The nightmare comes back. I'm running again. This time the werewolf runs beside me and protects me from whatever or whoever is chasing after me. Confused, I keep on running. Making sharp turns and narrowly missing the trees and bushes. I wish I had my broom but unfortunately I don't. So I just keep on running.

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