Chapter 10

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The next morning, James knocks on my door waking me up. "Christmas morning!! Come downstairs!!" He exclaimed merrily. I dragged myself out of bed. Brushing out my hair, I threw it up in a bun. I slipped on my slippers and went downstairs. Everyone was gathered around the Christmas tree. I sat on the couch and watched them pass out the presents. "Here's one for you." Lydiya says, smiling. Confused, I accepted the gift and started opening it. My face was white with terror as I stared at the picture of my mom with the claw marks gashed in her chest and abdomin. I started trembling and my face heated up like a stove. Jaxson, noticing the state I was in, picked up the picture. Instantly he got mad, and told everyone to drop what they were doing.

"Axel, do you know who gave you this picture?" He asked, trying to be calm. I looked at the label on the packaging. Crumpling it up in my fist, I replied "yeah. I believe so."


"Mr. Adams. He killed my mother because, well.." I trailed off. Tears of regret and pain filling up my eyes. Lydiya sits beside me and holds my hand. James gets on the other side of me shielding me. He squeezes my hand and I get the courage to speak up. I explained what had happened years ago, admitting to being a witch, and what Mr. Adams threats were. Jaxson sits there, eyes filled with anger. Moments of uncomfortable silence fills the room. Finally, he starts to speak.

"I do not trust witches and do not want one in my house. I want you to leave." Lydiya and James tries to dissuade him but he is unmoved. Filled with hurt, and hatred, I stood up.

"You don't trust witches because the witch you used to love, but kept your feelings secret from, found love with my dad and got pregnant with me so you turned around and broke your promise to my mother by leaving her unprotected!! Yes, Jaxson, my mother's name is Addalie." Jaxsons eyes got wide with more anger and hatred. I continued on. "My mother got murdered by a demon werewolf because I could not save his daughter from being torn to shreds by a bear years ago. He's coming after me next. He hasn't killed me yet because he's looking for the right opportunity." I ran upstairs to the guest bedroom.

I could hear shouting down below. "She's a witch!! I don't want her here and you're not allowed to date her!! You're forbidden!!" I heard Jaxson scream. I packed up all of my stuff and picked up Minx. I went downstairs and out the door. I unlocked my mothers old car and put my stuff in the back, moving my broom to the outside of the car. I carefully placed Minx's food and milk dishes to where they would not move or spill and placed Minx in the front seat. I turned the car on long enough to row the windows down some. Thinking to myself, I caught a glimpse of someone standing at the edge of the timber. Curious, I walked towards the person. The person starts walking away. Peering into the timber, it looked to be a guy. Might be a female to. Can't really tell. I see long hair, so maybe a girl? Maybe I'll follow her. She looks over her shoulder at me beckoning me to follow.

It was like my feet moved to their own accord. I followed her to a small clearing. Then, it was like she vanished into thin air. I don't think this was such a good idea, I mean, she literally vanished!!! The bad gut feeling returned and I realized I was not alone. Out of the shadows, a creature stood tall on it's hindlegs, eyes glaring brightly, like red coals in a fire, at me with intense hatred. All of a sudden, James is at my side guarding me. "When I say run, you run. Got it?" I let out a small yes, frozen in place.

"You can't have her!! You'll have to go through me to get to her!!" He turns to me and mouths run. I turn heal and ran for it. Not knowing where I was going, I avoided branches and trees. I heard noises behind me. To afraid to look back, the werewolf ran beside me. Catching sight of the fur, I realized it was James. My nightmares flashed before my eyes. I knew what I had to do. Lifting my hand, I called for my broom. "James, when I catch my broom, turn back to a human and jump on my broom with me!!" I yelled, as we raced through the timber.

A few minutes later, I caught my broom. Mr. Adams, a hundred feet from us howled in anger. James and I jumped on my broom, and we flew off. We flew in the clouds, hidden from sight. We heard the howl of Mr. Adams fading as we got far enough away. "I talked to my parents, and even though dad doesn't like it, they're letting you stay with us until summer time. They know you need protected and we're going to do everything we can to stop Mr. Adams." James said, holding tightly to my waist.

"Where should I land?" I asked, trying to get my mind off what had happened.

"Behind our house. We can sneak in through the back door without being noticed by Mr. Adams." I tilted my broom towards the house. Most people would say anywhere that's far away from the house or the area, but no. He says to go back. I roll my eyes. We land behind the house and go inside through the back door. Lydiya hugs James into a huge bear hug then does the same to me. Jaxson sits on the kitchen stool, arms crossed over his chest. I look down and put my hands behind my back.

"We're gonna form a plan to get rid of the demon werewolf. We don't know when he would strike next but we must always be on our toes." Lydiya says, after she sits down.

"James, you'll have to gaurd her at school. Never leave her side. But, if I find out you two are dating, she's on her own." Jaxson adds, standing up. I could feel my heart drop. Two hearts forbidden from loving eachother. I held my tears in until I reached the guest bedroom. James had brought back in all of my stuff and Minx. Noticing the tear streaks on my cheeks, James takes my hand.

"Hey, no more crying. We'll keep our secret of dating from my parents. Okay? At least, until everything is over and back to normal."

"Will everything ever be normal again?"

"Yes. I promise." I leaned in an gave him a kiss on his cheek. He smiled and pulled me in for a hug. His warmth enveloping around me. I breathed in his musky scent. After a few moments, we pulled apart and James stood up. "I'm gonna go and leave you to your thoughts. I'm right down the hall and to your right if you need anything." I nodded my head. James left the room, closing the door behind him.

I laid down staring up at the ceiling. Oh mom, I wish you were still here. I need to hear your voice, to see you again. I rolled over on my side. Minx laid next to my head. A few moments later, I fell asleep.

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