Chapter 17

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The next morning, I woke up with the bright sun shining warmly in my face. I got dressed and headed downstairs. Lydiya was making scrambled eggs, bisquits and gray. James made some bacon and poured some juice in the glasses. "There's the other graduate!!" Lydiya says, smiling at me. She hands me a plate and I fill it up. We sit down at the kitchen table. I tore my bisquits up and mixed them in the gravy then added the scrambled eggs. They are going to the same place anyway. "So, what are your plans today?" Lydiya asks, taking a drink of her juice.

"I have to prepare a speech, but other then that, I think the only thing left for me to do is pack." I replied, hating the idea of having to speak in front of a large crowd.

"Well, I have nothing to do. I could help you pack." James said, looking at me. He had a smile on his face but I could tell he was sad. I remembered what dad had told me last night and I smiled. I quickly finished up and went upstairs. I took out my duffel bag from the closet and set it on my bed. I grabbed my backpack and set it on my bed next to the duffelbag. I started packing up my clothes and personals. James walks in a few minutes later. He gets busy helping me pack without saying a word. I reach for my shoebox full of the money I had saved up all of those years. I took the money out and stuffed it all in my purse. I put the empty shoe box in the duffel bag and put in any loose pens and other items in the box. Once everything was packed, we sat down on the bed. "Do you really have to move?" James asked, holding my hand.

"Of course. I promised my dad I would live with him." I heard him sigh. "Why?" I asked him.

"I don't want you to go. I want you to stay. Here, with me. Axel, I.." He sits up, and faces me. "I love you and I wanna do everything I can to not lose you. I don't wanna lose you." I could feel my heart beat hard in my chest. I don't wanna tell him what dad told me last night until after graduation. I want it to be a surprise. I stay quiet and James looks down. "At least, think of what I said, then tell me how you feel when you're ready." He gets up and walks out of the bedroom. I love you to James. I will tell you that after graduation. I promise. I grabbed my stuff and went downstairs.

It was almost time for graduation. James and I put on our caps and gowns and got in the vehicle. Lydiya took us to the highschool and followed us into the gymnasium. She went to find her seat and we went to where we had to be. The superintendent, Mr. Dirkson, gave us last minute directions. We lined up and got ready to go out to the gymnasium. Music started to play and we bagan to file into our seats two by two. After a few moments, we all stood by our seats and sat down. Mr. Dirkson started to speak. After awhile he played the powerpoint to show all of the students baby pictures and how far we had come. Once it was over, Mr. Dickson said, "let us all welcome miss Axel Stone, our Valid Victorian." Everyone clapped as I made my way up to the podium.

"My fellow graduates, the past four years had gone by in a blur. But, not as fast as the past seventeen to eighteen years. We had been through so much and endured so much so we could be where we are today. People will ask us what our future plans are. We tell them, but, you know what I say? I say, our future depends on the choices we make and how hard we work to achieve it. We don't know what we be doing twenty years from now. What counts, is here and now because tomorw is never promised." I looked over at James. "You can fall in love over and over again, make mistakes and learn from them. Yeah, you're not gonna remember what I'm saying today. But you will remember this. Look back on today and see how far you came. I am so proud and happy for all of you. Thank you." I finished my speech and walked back to my seat as everyone clapped. Mr. Dickson started calling out names and handed us our diplomas.

It felt weird as we left the High School for the last time but I also felt a sence of relief as well. No homework, no teachers trying to murder me, no tests or exams. Especially relieved to know I did not have to deal with Kyleigh anymore. Yes, I am so glad I don't have to be around someone who only thinks about themselves and walks around like she's better then everybody else. We stopped at an Ice Cream shop and ordered some Ice Cream. Finding a booth in the back, we sat down and enjoyed ourselves. "I haven't had Ice Cream in years." Lydiya said, licking her Ice Cream as if she were a little kid.

"They had sprinkles to, if you wanted any." I said, handing her a couple napkins.

"Those are merely tasteless, yet colorful things." Replied James.

"But it makes plain vanilla look more exciting rather then boring." Lydiya agreed with me and we continued enjoying ourselves. Once we were done, we threw our trash away and left the shop. It had started to rain as we made it back to the car. I buckled in my seatbelt and we drove off. The highways were packed due to rush hour traffic. It seemed like it was going to take forever to get home. Car horns honked all around us. Every few seconds we would inch up a little bit. It was almost two hours before we could finally drive off and head home. I watched the sunset as we drove home. Remembering how mom used to love watching them when she was alive. I wonder if she watched my graduation and seen me walk across the stage to get my diploma. I wonder if she smiled down on me.

Lost in thought, James had to snap his fingers in my face to get my attention. "We're home." He said, opening his door. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. Walking up to the house, I checked their mail and laid it on the livingroom table. My phone started to ring. It was dad. "Hey dad." I answered.

"Hey kiddo, have you chose what day you're flying out here?"

"Yeah. I leave here in a couple of days. I gotta clean out mom's car and I think I'll give it to Lydiya as a thank you for letting me stay with her."

"Okay. I'll let my boss know that I'm taking a couple weeks off that way I can meet you at the airport and get you settled in."

"Okay dad." We talked a little longer then hung up. I knew what I had to do but I am going to miss New York so much. I slowly climb up the stairs. Getting into my pajamas that I had left out, I fell asleep on the bed as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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