Chapter 6

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Christmas is in a week and today is the last day of school for the semester. James keeps bugging me about being my friend. I keep telling him no and to leave me alone. Kyleigh finally learned to leave me alone. I walked into the girl's bathroom and sat on the stool. Skipping Science class today since it is lab day. Dissecting a frog. Good day as any to skip. I pull out my notebook and go over my notes.

Thirty minutes later, a couple of girls walk in. Talking amongst themselves. I quietly listen in. After all, it gets boring after awhile.

"Did you hear?? The new guy keeps following that weird girl around like a lost puppy dog."

"I know. Axel is like, so weird. So why would he follow her around for? Believe me, Heather, I'd rather him follow us then her." The girl named Heather starts brushing out her hair. Her facial features relaxed and obviously day dreaming. I hold my breath.

"Amber, James won't follow us around. Axel is the only person he wants to be around. It's creepy. Nobody in their right mind would follow her around." They picked up their backpacks and left the bathroom. I slowly let out my breath and leaned back. Putting my notebook back in my backpack, I leave the bathroom. Turning the corner, I run into James.

"Pleasure to meet you." He smiles.

"Not for me it is. Everyone is talking about how you keep following me around like a lost puppy dog." I said, heatedly.

"Are they now?? I hadn't noticed." He leans closer and I hit my back against the lockers. He blocks me in by putting both arms on each side of me. His breath, sweet as honey, wisps past my ear. My heart quickens and I grip my backpack tighter. He brings his body in closer. Close enough to touch but not touching at all.

"I would like to be your friend. I am the only one who can understand you. The only one who knows your secret." He slowly leans back and puts his arms down. My eyes get wide and I start to get mad. Tears form out of my eyes and I quickly brush them away. He puts his hands on my shoulders. I shake them off. "How do you know my secret. Who are you?!" I raised my voice an octave higher.
"Join me for dinner tonight. Eight o'clock. Then I'll tell you everything."

"Fine." I replied, knowing he was not going to leave me alone until I agreed. He smiles and walks away. Not realizing I held my breath, I let it out. My heartbeat slowing down. Oh my gosh!! I just got asked out on a date!! Wait, no. Not a date, more like a meeting. Still, I at least get free food. I walk to my Homeroom class. My heart picks up pace, knowing I will see him again. I feel my face getting hot. I try and calm down.

As I walked into the classroom, Mr. Adams gives me that evil look again. As soon as James walks behind me, Mr. Adams look goes back to normal. Strange, why would his look go back to normal once James walked in. Contemplating it, I sit in my seat. James tosses me a note on his desk.

"I will meet you at the coffee shop across from Barnes and Noble at eight pm. Be safe. -James"

I turn around and face him, mouthing okay. Giving a small smile, I turn around. Not having homework, I take out a piece of paper, and write down my suspicions of Mr. Adams. Something's not right and I'm going to find out what that is. Realizing Mr. Gunderson has not returned over two weeks now, I wonder what had happened. Before I knew it, the bell had rung and I rushed to put all of my stuff in my backpack. Mr. Adams walks towards me. Eyes glowing red, like flaming lava, staring at me. He grabbed hold of my arms tightly, hurting me. He brings his face close to me. An inch apart from mine.

"You will pay!! Just wait!!! You will lose the one you love!!" With that, he let go of my arms, and he stormed out of the room. Shaking, I dash out of the classroom and out of the school building. I hop on my bicycle and race home, almost running into people.

Finally home, I go inside and lock the door behind me. Letting out my breath, mom walks into the living room. "Hey sweetie. How was school?" I take a moment to make sure my voice comes out normally.

"Good. Just glad to be home and finally be on Christmas vacation." I smiled and gave her a huge hug.

"That's good. By the way, do you have any plans today?" Mom asks, sitting on the chair.

"Yeah, I'm actually meeting a friend of mine at the coffee shop at eight. If that's ok?"

Mom looks up from her magazine. "Fine by me. I'm going to catch a movie at the movie theater tonight." I gave her another huge hug and ran upstairs. Excited about tonight, I search in my closet for something to wear. Obviously something warm. It's freezing outside. I finally settle on a pair navy blue jeans, and a long sleeved white sweater with a silver collar. I found a pair of my black ugg boots and slip them on. I brush out my hair and put on a snowflake crested headband. While I get ready, mom knocks on my door then walks in.

"Hey, I'm leaving now. Lock up when you leave. You know where the spare key is right?" I nodded my head and she smiled. Looking me up and down, she smiled. She pulled me in for a hug and I hugged her back. "You look like you're going on a date." I look up at mom and give her a look of confusion.

"Nobody dresses up unless they're going on a date or it's a special occasion." She explains, helping me put on my Christmas tree necklace. I laugh out loud and turn around to face her. "Mom, I'm not going on a date." She gives me a look saying whatever then heads out of my room. It's not a date, is it? Not really. But, could it? These emotions are so mixed up, like they have been stired in a pot.

With a half hour before eight, I put on my coat and grab my purse. I put in some extra cash in my wallet and get ready to head out. Giving Minx some food and a pat on the head, I walk out of the door and walk to the coffee shop. The cold stings my face and I pull my hood over my head. Walking a little faster, I make it to the coffee shop with fifteen minutes left until James shows up. As I open the door, the warmth hits my face with the amazing scent of coffee and cinnamon. I find a table in the back and sit down facing the door.

A waitress comes up and asks me what I would like to order. I asked for a cup of hot chocolate with the mini marshmallows in it. Eight o'clock rolls around and James walks in through the door. My face betrays me as I smile big when he meets my eyes and starts walking towards me. He sits down across from me and folds his hands on the table.

"Well, that's a nice turn of surprize. You look very pretty when you smile. You should do it more." I could feel my face turn red, and my cheeks start to hurt as I smiled bigger. My heart beats faster against my chest. I took a couple sips of my hot chocolate.

"You were wanting to tell me something?" I pressed, trying not to be embarrassed again.

"Ah, yes. Well, first of all. Do you believe in werewolves?"

"Of course. Why?"

"Because I am a werewolf. I take shape of a normal sized wolf but I am a werewolf none the less." I choke on my hot chocolate. After I managed to start breathing again. I asked if he believed in witches.

"Of course. Why do you ask?"

I bit my lip before answering. "I'm a witch." I replied, quietly.

"I know. That's why I'm so drawn to you." He takes my hand in his. My hand looking small and fragile in his big hand. "Axel, you are in danger. I want to protect you and keep you safe. Would you trust me enough to do so?"

I think about the nightmares I had the past few weeks. The wolf running beside me. The guy sitting behind me on my broom. That's when it hit me. I looked up at James. His eyes, pleading, looked just like the wolf's eyes. His voice matched the voice of the guy who sat behind me while flying on my broom. "What, and who, am I in danger of?" I finally asked.

"I don't know. But maybe you do." I thought for a minute. Then I remembered Mr. Adams and his threat.

"Mr. Adams. He had glowing red eyes and yelled at me after school let out. Saying I will pay and that I will lose someone I love." He contemplated for a moment.

"Who is the person you love the most?" He asked.

"My mom. She means the world to me. Especially after her and dad got a divorce." Tears started forming and I quickly brushed them away. James tensed up and stared at the table. Two seconds later, he jumps up and puts on his coat.

"Come on. Your mom is in trouble." We ran out of the coffee shop.

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