Chapter 15

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"What is it Axel?" Dad asked, concern in his voice.

"Did you know I have a sister?"

"What? No, you don't have a sister. You are an only child. Why?" I could feel my heart beat hard in my chest. I cleared my throat.

"What were you and mom arguing about to make you and her get a divorce?" I asked, thinking I should already know that answer.

"Your mother and I got a divorce because I brought a bottle of wine with me and her first thought was that I was cheating on her. I brought it to celebrate our wedding anniversary." He explained, his voice sounding depressed. "Why do you ask?" They fought over a bottle of wine, because mom thought dad had cheated? Wow, how immature. I took a deep breath and told him how I found Sapphira, what she had told me, and about my dream. Dad was silent for a while before he finally spoke.

"You need to get rid of her Axel. She means trouble. If your mother had a good reason to turn her into a cat, then that's what she should had stayed as. But, because she's human again, you need to get rid of her." I heard a noise on the stairs. I told dad that I loved him and that I will talk to him again tomorrow. Playing it off as a normal conversation. Sapphira walked into the kitchen as I put my phone in my pajama pocket.

"I thought I heard a voice in here." She said, grabbing an apple and sitting on the stool. "Who were you talking to?"

"I was talking to dad. Telling him that I'll be moving in with him at the beginning of June. Don't worry, I didnt tell dad about you. I want it to be a surprize." I lied, sitting down across from her. She seemed to believe it as she smiled and took a bite of her apple. We sat there for a moment and then she started to speak again.

"I hope dad won't be mad at me or anything." She said, looking sad.

"Why would he be mad at you? You were just a baby when mom did that to you." She looked at me and laughed.

"Yeah, but I still feel like I'm a burden to him." She said, throwing away the core of the apple. She put her head in her hands, and sighed.

"You're not a burden to him. Or anybody for that matter. He'll be happy to see you." I said, patting her on the arm. "You know what you need? A good cheering up. How about we have a late Birthday party for you tomorrow." I said, thinking quickly about how I was going to get rid of her. She looked up at me and smiled really big, happiness filling her eyes. We went back upstairs and went to bed. I watched Sapphira fall asleep fast, then I fell asleep after her.

Morning came and James came and woke us up. "Time to get up and get ready for school." He said, waking Sapphira. We got dressed and went downstairs. Lydiya was making pancakes and had fixed our plates. I poured a glass of milk and sat down. "Last day of school for you both and then Graduation!!" Lydiya smiled brightly. We ate our pancakes and I grabbed my purse, my dagger still in it.

"Lydiya, I promised Sapphira that I would have a late Birthday party for her. I'd like to have it here at the house if that's ok?" She beamed and nodded her head. Her mouth full of pancakes. After breakfast, Lydiya takes James and I to school. As she drives away, I pull James to the side of the school and made sure we were alone and no windows were open. Shocked, he looked at me with questioning eyes.

"I talked to my dad last night. Sapphira is not my sister. I am an only child. He told me to get rid of her because if mom turned her into a cat, she had good reason for it. The reason they got divorced was because mom thought he was cheating when he brought home some wine." I said, trying to keep my voice low and and not rushing my words.

"Then what do we do? Is that why you want to throw a Birthday party for her?" He asked. I took a deep breath and told him about the dream I had last night and my plans for how to get rid of her. After I explained everything to him, he contemplated on what to say.

"Blind folding her after telling her you have a big surprise for her, then taking your dagger and stabbing her to kill her? It's so easy it sounds impossible." He finally answers.

"Impossible? How?" I asked.

"Impossible because mom doesn't want to see what's gonna happen. She would flip out. But, unless we tell her, she may not." I thought about what she did when we brought Jaxson back. How she screamed and cried because her husband was dead. We walked into the school and went to our first hour classes. Everyone was full of chatter as the day dragged on. Each class was the same. Play board games, play card games, talk, and sign yearbooks. However, for me, I stayed in the back and watched everyone enjoy their time in class. A girl, Megan, walked up to me. "Could you sign my year book?" She asked, quietly. I took out my pen and opened her book to the first page. I signed my first name in it and handed it back to her. She smiled and went to the next person. Then, the lunch bell rang.

Walking out of the classroom, I found James waiting for me. He took me by the hand and we walked to the cafeteria together. I grabbed my usual salad and water. James grabbed his tray of food and we walked to our usual table. We went over the plans we had talked about earlier. Then I noticed Kyleigh walking over. Oh great. What does she want. I poked James in his side and nodded in Kyleighs direction. She reached her table amd stuck her yearbook in James' face. "Sign my yearbook. Please?" She pouted, while trying to flirt. He scribbled something in her book. Kyleigh, her pleased reaction, turned into shock and anger.

"What is this!!" She shrieked.

"I wrote, hope you have another fun senior year. Then signed my name to it. Her mouth gapped open, she tried to speak.

"Walk away Kyleigh. It's the best choice for you." Growing angrier she stormes off. I use a water spell and make her slip and fall. Her hand landed on someone's tray making it flip over and covering her in spaghetti. She shrieks and everyone laughs at her while taking pictures. The end of lunch came and the bell rang for us to go to our last hour classes. Walking to homeroom, I grabbed James' hand and walked inside the classroom. A female teacher, Miss Brooks, smiles as we all enter her clasroom.

"Good afternoon everyone. I am Miss Brooks. I'm only here for today. I don't care what you do, as long as you behave." She sits in her chair and reads her book. Some people asks us to sign their yearbooks and we do. We laugh and talk to other classmates. A few asking where James had come from and if he was single or taken. As the time passed, James and I got serious as we neared the end of the day. Knowing what we had to do and how to do it. When the last bell rung, we walked out of the classroom and out of the building. Lydiya was waiting for us in the car. She took us to the store to buy party supplies and gifts. "I had already baked a cake at home." She said, as we pulled out of the parking lot. I told Lydiya what was going on and what our real plan was. "As long as I don't see it, then I won't care. Just don't let her suffer." She replied, sighing.
As we got home, we walked straight to the kitchen. Lydiya set up the party stuff outside. After everything was done and ready to go, I called for Sapphira to come downstairs. She wore a pair of blue shorts with a pale green tank top. She had on a pair of tennis shoes. She ran downstairs and we went outside. 
"Oh wow!!" She exclaimed, runninv over to the birthday presents and opening all of them. She pulled out clothes, books, CD's, and movies. Lydiya brought out the Birthday cake. Sapphiras eyes lit up when she seen it. Chocolate cake with strawberry buttercream icing. We let her enjoy herself for a while. Then James squeezed my hand as it was time to start our plan.

"Sapphira, we have one more surprize for you but you have to wear a bandana over your eyes." Lydiya, knowing what was about to happen, went inside. James handed me a red bandana and I covered her eyes with it. James reached into my purse and pulled out the dagger quietly. We led her into the timber.

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