Chapter 5

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The next morning, I woke up to the bright sun shining through my curtains and into my face. The warmth of it heating up my face. I laid there for a few seconds then got up a few minutes before my alarm went off. November is such a beautiful month. I got ready for school and headed downstairs. Eating a bowl of cereal, Minx jumps up and nudges my hand. I fix her some breakfast and some warm milk. Mom comes downstairs, racing through the house. "Everything alright mom?"

"Nothing really. After I rush you off to school, I have to go straight to work. Someone had called in and now I have to cover for them." Mom works at a dentist office. She does not like it but she bears with it to make sure we still have a place to live and food in our stomachs. "I'm going to be late for work so don't stay up for me." I nodded my head and we went out to the car. Driving off, I watched the clouds go by. Such a nice change after all of the rainy weather we had.

Once at school, I did my usual morning announcements. Walking to my locker, Kyleigh walks up to me. I hurridly close my locker and lock it. She yanks on my arm pulling me to the girl's bathroom. Once inside, she turns on me. "I told you, this isn't over." I laughed and crossed my arms. Her face turned a deep red color. Almost maroon. Kyleigh pulled back her fist and started to throw the first punch. I dodged out of the way. Narrowly missing her fist, I punched her in her gut. She recoiled and stood back up. She went to kick me and I blocked it by tripping her. Then, before I could react, she landed a punch in my arm.

Smirking, I pulled back and threw another punch. Missing, she grabs my hair and yanks. Then, I elbowed her in her chest and she gasped for air. I pulled away and before she could do anything, I used a spell to make her slip and fall. She laid there, trying to catch her breath. "I told you. I can be your worst nightmare." I turned around and walked off. The rest of the school day went by in a blur. Then, it was time for Homeroom class.

A nasty feeling hit me in my stomach as I remembered the pair of eyes that stared me down yesterday. I pulled my hair forward to somewhat hide my face. Quickly going to my seat, I snuck a quick glance at the substitute teacher, Mr. Adams. His eyes were back to his normal green color. He was writing on some paper. Most likely the paperwork he has to do everyday as he fills in for Mr. Gunderson. Taking a deep breath, I slowly relax. That's when I noticed the boy sitting right next to me. The same boy I ran into on my way to Barnes and Noble.

I turned around. "Are you following me?" I asked, sharply. His eyebrows shot up and he looked shocked for a moment. Finally collecting his posture and probably his thoughts, he sits back in the chair.

"Is that how you greet everyone??" He asked, calmly.


"Well then, why am I any different?" He asked as he leans forward. I lean forward into my seat. Trying to be not so close to his face. His dark eyes, brown in color with a hint of silver specks in them, staring intently at me. I clear my throat before I speak.

"You ran into me that day I was on my way to the book store then I caught you following me after I left. So, again, I ask are you following me?" I stare him down forcing him to look away from me before he answers. "I thought maybe we could be friends?" I gave him a look of frustration and confusion before I said no.

"Why?" he asks, acting hurt.

"It's best to not be friends with me so just leave me alone." With that, I whirled around in my seat and got started on my essay. The hour went by slowly before the bell decided to finally ring. I walked quickly to my locker. Someone had tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around and found him standing beside me. "Go away." I said with a little scorn.

"At least let me tell you my name."

I waited and he continued. "My name is James. What's yours?"

"Axel." I walked away and left the building. Walking home, I decided to get an ice cream cone. Walking to a little ice cream shop, Ice Cream Emporium, I get a chocolate ice cream cone. I eat it on the way home and watch the birds fly and listen to their songs.

Once home, I go upstairs to put my stuff away. I feed Minx and stretch out on my bed. I found a note on my dresser. It wrote, "Axel, I had to come back home and get something but I will be home late tonight. Don't wait up for me. Dinner is in the fridge." I go downstairs and check out the fridge. A burger and fries. I took it out and heated it back up. There was a red light flashing on the answering machine. I pushed the button.

"Hello, this is Mrs. Henson calling from New York High. I am calling in regards to your daughter, Axel. She got into a fight today with another student. If it happens again, then i'll have no choice but to suspend her from the rest of the school year." I deleted it and laughed out loud. "That's one mom will never hear." I finish up eating supper.

Going upstairs, I pull out my diary. I write about what happened at school and hoping to have an amazing summer. After i'm done, I get ready to go and take a shower. The hot water feeling good on my ice cold skin. I stare at my arms, fighting back the memories. "Not tonight." I tell myself. After an hour in the shower, I get out and get ready for bed. I use my drying spell, then curl up in a nice, cozy ball in my bed with my comforter wrapped around me like an eggroll. Making sure to pull it up to my chin, Minx gets in her usual spot. Laying in the dark, I stare up at the moon. I wonder what it is like to be free from everything. Not have to worry or stress over anything. No responsibilities. Even though I do not mind the life I am living now, I still wonder and always keep my mind wide open. Anything is possible if you believe in yourself and you work hard for what you want. I imagine fairies dancing in the moonlight. Moving along to their own beat. I think of my parents, happy and loving eachother. I think of dad, alone in Montana and wonder how he is doing.

I turn and face the other side of my room. Watching the shadows slowly creep by minute by minute. Minx, mad at me for moving, lays down on the other side of the bed. I free one of my hands and rub her tummy. She starts purring. My eyes keep getting heavier and heavier. I finally close them and go to sleep.

"Run faster!!" I hear a voice yell. I quicken my pace.  I can feel my heart beat against my chest. The wolf runs beside me. I call out for my broom. It comes and lands in my hands. I jump on and I notice someone gets on behind me. My wolf is gone by my side. Arms, wrapped tightly around me, squeeze a little tighter. A male voice whispers in my ear, "keep flying and don't look back!!" Higher and higher I go. Faster, never slowing down. Adrenaline pumping through my veins. Who is chasing after me and who is with me on my broom?

I try to turn my head but stop. "Don't look back. Just keep flying."

"Why? Whose after me and who are you?"

"In time you'll see."

We keep on flying not knowing the destination.

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