Chapter 1: Let It Go

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Chapter 1

Elsa's POV

For a while now I've been in my room. I am nine. Cold, lonely day after cold, lonely day. Sitting here quietly weeping. I hear my sister knock at the door once and a while begging "do you want to build a snowman?" and I can't take it anymore I flip and yell "go away Anna!" and I can hear her slump and say goodbye. Why must I be mean to Anna? she has never made me sad or mad. She is my sister, I love her.

I feel like a monster and I curl up and cry.

Why must I be this creature I do not know? Why must I have this curse? Why?

Then a snowflake drifts down from the ceiling and I start bawling because I believed it was my snowflake. But I look up again and the snowflake touches the ground and a burst of snow comes from it. Up swirls a young kid my age with white hair and a blue hoodie.

"Hi," the little boy says, "why are you crying?"

"I'm a monster," I barley say chocking on my words.

"And why would a little cutie like you be a monster?" I stand up and lift my hands a ice flake appears on the floor beneath my feet.

"See," I say still crying.

"Yes I see," the kid starts, "I see a beautiful gift. A beautiful gift given to an equally beautiful girl." I blush and giggle a bit. He does too. He sticks out his hand, "Hi, I'm Jack. Jack Frost and I have ice powers too." He stomps his foot and sparkling icicles appear from the ceiling.

An assortment of long and short. Thick and thin. All-in-all beautiful. Like him.

I stand in aw.

"Hi Jack," I say, "But... Jack is so boring. Bllaahhh!" I stick out my tongue and he giggles, "I'm going to call you... Boy of the Snow. Sounds cooler."

He laughs, "I've always been 'cool' and you shall be Lady of the Ice. Sounds cooler," he says in a playful mocking tone. "Wanna see something?" he asked.

"Sure," I respond interested.

"Watch," he said. He pushed a wondrous wave of snow out of his finger tips. I've never seen so much beauty, power, and color in one thing at the same time. He stepped in his creation and began to flout.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, "How did you do that."

"Well, I just let it go. Forgot the insults and used my powers for good."

"So this curse can be used for good?" I asked.

"No," he replied and an immediate tear formed in my eye, "You have no curse to use for good, you have a gift to use for good." A big smile crossed my face and I tried what he did.

"Alright," I nervous said, "LET IT GO!" Just then a beauty strand of colorful ice dust flowed from me creating the same cloud as him. "Oh my dear, I actually did it! This must be a dream."

"It is for me," Jack said beckoning me to my magic floating cloud. I jumped in and was lifted of the ground. My face was set in true amazement. "Come on. I think you need to get out more." He blew the windows open and flew out.

I quickly followed.

I was quickly taken away by the magnificent scene of my home town and by the nice, cute boy, who gets me and makes me feel worth something, flying right next too me.


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