Chapter 25: I'm Done

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Chapter 25

Elsa's POV

I vanished into my castle and slammed my window shut. I quickly shot it with an icy blast to freeze it shut. I recalled what Jack told me about how people with powers can't interfere with other magical abilities. I dash to the other side of my room and freeze my door shut also. Then I return to a finials corner. The corner where I first cried when Jack was over. When I was a little kid and I was entrapped in this abomination if a life. This feeling I knew to well.

"Queen Elsa?" a sweet voice rang from the door. "My Lady? Are you in there?" I didn't know who it was and frankly, I didn't care. I knew it wasn't Jack and that's all that mattered. I retracted my bounty of ice crystals holding the door shut and I opened it royally.

"Yes?" I reply. I loom around the door and a servant of mine, Gerta, stands there short and plump. I suddenly lose all royalty in my ways and throw myself on her for a hug. "Oh Gerta, I'm so glass it's you. Please come in. Quick please." She scurries inside my room and I shut the door and freeze it again. I turn around and she is sitting in a polished oak chair with red velvet cushions I had sitting at the other end of the room.

"My Queen, if I may ask, what is going on?"

"Please Gerta, I am in no mood for royalty. Just call me Elsa."

"Ok," she starts again with a smile bigger than The North Mountain. "I saw the miraculous task you preformed and I was wondering how you did it?"

"The rising of the snow?" I asked and she nodded. "Well all I needed was love but both my loves have failed me." I dropped my head.

"Go ahead," she pushed, "you can tell me." Just them footsteps walked by and a masculine voice ran through the hallways. It was Jack. "Tell me in out language though. He can't understand it. I nodded.

"Så Jack var bestevenner med min søster og han forlot henne." (So Jack was best friends with my sister but he left her.) Jack heard me in the hallway.

"Elsa, I know it's you in there. Just because you are speaking another language doesn't mean I don't know it's you.

"Ignorere ham," (ignore him) Gerta said, "Uansett, jeg forstår men hvorfor er det en big deal?" (Anyways, I understand but why is that a big deal) I could still hear him pounding on the door.

"I'm going to say this in English because I want him to hear this. One, because you basically told me you were forced to hang out with me and then you left my sister, alone, and didn't tell me."

"Elsa, don't be crazy. I love you." He yelled through the door.

"Don't call me crazy!" I stated firmly. "That's it, I'm done. Done with pain, done with sadness, done with hurt, and most of all, done with you!" I yelled.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Jack. We're done!"


I'm so sorry for those of you waiting your butts off for another chapter. I just started high school and it's been super hard. I got this out ASAP. I hope you all are still reading. For those of you wondering, no I do not speak Norwegian. I used a translator. Please remember to vote, comment, add to your library, and recommend. I will get the next chapter out ASAP. In The Eyes will be updated Wednesday or Thursday.

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