Chapter 21: Beware the Frozen Heart

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Chapter 21

Jack's POV

I rush out of the room and search the castle. I look high and low. Left and right. North, South, East, and West. No sign of Anna. I search for another 10 minutes or so when I hear a weird noise. I little pitter patter of feet and mumbling.

"Just imagine how much cooler I'll be in summer." Someone was singing quietly to themselves. I quietly peer around the corner and I see a little snowman skipping around, having the time of his life. Wait, I've seen that snowman somewhere before. That's right! When Anna and Kristoff came to visit Elsa there was the little snowman they brought with. The one who likes... like... awe crap. What was it. Oh, warm hugs. His name is Olaf and he likes warm hugs! The cute little thing. Wait, he is around Anna like 24/7. I bet he'll know where she is. I slowly approach him not to scare him and I tapped on his shoulder. He zoomed around.

"Olaf, right?" The snowman nodded his head. "Great. Ok. I'm Jack Frost and I'm.. well I'm not dating Elsa... but we have a thing going on and she really wants me to find Anna and of course since I love her, wait you didn't need to know that, I of course obeyed her and I can't find Anna. I was thinking since Anna is like your best friend you would know where she is?" Olaf just stared at me processing everyone I had said. I counldn't of been talking that fast. Could I? Well, it really doesn't matter how fast I talk. Olaf finally smiles and comprehends what I was saying.

"Actually, the reason I was skipping around was because whe Kristoff left Anna dissapered and now I can't find her so I was looking around for her but no luck. I'm sorry. I wish I could help you more." The poor thing looked devastated. I just sighed sympathetically.

"No, no. It's fine. Just... just keep looking for her and if you find her, I'll know. You're made of snow. I can sense your emotions. He just gazed at me blankly.

"Ok," he said and skipped away. I just smiled and walked on. I explored the giant castle for about 1o more minutes when out the the silence erupted a heard of gasps. I quickly Darted around like 16 corners and found my way to the dinner room where I heard the worst thing and, dare I say, boyfriend could ever hear.

"I charge Queen Elsa with treason, and sentence her to death." I peeked past the corner to see Hans in this chair... crying! That dirty filthy lying mother of a dog butt. I can't believe him. I flew to the ceiling and watched everyone file out of the room all murmuring about Elsa. As soon as everyone was gone I swooped in and confronted him.

"You have a lot of nerve lying to 'your people' but you'll never get away with this!" he just smirked.

"Oh Jack," he grimaced, "I already have."

"Wow," I laugh, "how cliche."


"Thats so expected. How many movies have you seen hwere the 'bad guy' says "oh so and so, I already have."

"But Jack this is real life. Not some old movie."

"So. Just get some originality." and with that I ran to the room ti warm Elsa.

I get to the room and I walk right through the door. (Its a new ability i learned) I find Elsa sitting there on her bed crying.

"Elsa! Elsa!" I yelled. She perks up and looked into my eyes, her ice blue eyes pleading for help. "Elsa, I didn't find Anna but Olaf did and as i was walking around the castle still looking for her, I overheard Hans charge you with treason and sentenced you to death." Her eyes instanly died. I could see her soul fading away.

"But..." Just then there was a pounding on the door.

"Queen Elsa! We are coming in! Do not resist or further consequences may be advised!" It was Hans. I turned to Elsa. We both looked down at her handcuffs and the started freezing.

"They'll never freeze out in time!" she panicked.

"They will if you have The Boy of Snow help you," she instantly looked up at me with the smile brighter than the sun it's self.

"You... you, remember?" she asked.

"How could I ever forget." I whispered into her ear and kissed her forehead. I reached down and touched the shackles and the broke into a million pieces. "Run," i whispered and she obeyed. Must then 4 guards broke threw the wall with their swords drawn. I completely change my voice to sound booming and assertive. "Take one step closer and you will regret waking up this morning.

"Guys ignore him," on of the guards boasted. "He's just a scrawny little blonde." Ok fine. I set my hand down and lifted up my pinkie.

"So this is scrawny?" i ask with a smirk. I slightly flex my pinkie and the whole room starts to quiver and shake and rumble. Just then the whole frame of he room comes down on top of them. I peer into the rubble and find still only four men. One of which was not Hans. Oh no, he must be after Elsa. I fly over to the window and i see Elsa lying on the ground crying and Hans behind her... with his sword drawn! I dash out the window but on my way there Anna appears out of no where and jumps in front of Hans, blocking the sword and shattering it into a million pieces and blowing Hans back. Leaving Anna solid ice.


O.O poor Anna. Guys I just wanna say thank you so much more making this book successful. There are still plenty of chapters to go but thank you for letting me share my love. Remember to vote, comment, add to your library, and please recommend to your friends. I would like 1,700 reads for another chapter.

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