Chapter 2: Above The City

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Chapter 2

Jacks POV

Her town was amazing, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Yet again, I am only 9. Elsa looked so graceful and free flying next to me, seeing her town a way he has never seen it before. A sparkling ocean and lake and tall buildings.

"Well, Boy of the Snow," she looked at me, "this is... is..."

"Magical?" I suggest.

"Yeah, magical." Her voice trails off and something changes in her face. She turned from an innocent 9 year old to a depressed human being. Just then her cloud darkened and started to fade.

"Elsa!" I screamed her cloud disappeared.

"Jack!" she is now plummeting towards Arendelle super fast. I don't know what to do, so my instincts kick in and I wave my hand in a sideways motion. Just then a giant mountain of snow appears and Elsa is caught.

"Elsa!" I fly down to her and she looks at me.

"Take me home. Now." she demands so I do and I fly her back to her room.

We get back to her dark room and she jumps off of me and runs to her corner. She faces the walls and does not speak.

"Elsa?" I look at her, "what's the matter?"

Without turning around she says weeping, "go away. I don't want to talk now."

"Come on. Elsa." I took a step and a wall of ice appears right in my tracks, "Ok, I see. If you ever need have this." I hold out my hands and form a ball of ice, "if you ever need me throw this on the ground and it will break. I will sense it and be here as soon as I can."

I set the ball down and looked at the wall for a bit. I then lifted my hands created swirls of perfectly white snow surround me and I turn into my transportation snowflake.

I then drift out the window.


Elsa's POV

I think I hurt Jack's feelings. I never meant to but He just doesn't understand.

The reason I forbid myself from the outside world.

Not to long ago me and my sister were best friends. She knew about my magic and I trusted her with the secret. I kind of had to, we were like the only people in the castle.

One morning Anna wanted to build a snowman really bad so I agreed and built one. She was then jumping from column of snow to column going really fast and I couldn't keep up. I missed and hit her in the head, almost killing her.

When we were in the skies today Jack described it as magical, and that's how Anna described my ice. It was to much and my joy faded.

It never meant to go that far. It was supposed to be a quick, fun, innocent look over the village, but it ended up Jack almost saving my life.

I turned around and stuck my hand out, lowering the ice wall, but Jack was gone. on the flier was a crystal clear ball of ice. I picked it up and heard Jack's voice in my head,

"if you ever need me throw this on the ground and it will break. I will sense it and be here as soon as I can."

It echoes in my head a little while longer. He made a magic signal ball, for me? he actually cares. I want him back now, I miss him. He was my only friend and now the only way I can see him again is if I crack this stupid ice ball that probably doesn't even work.

I run to the window to look out and I freeze the ledge when I touch it. Why? WHY?!? I didn't want this! I didn't want that every time I make a simple gesture with my hand for a ray of ice to shoot out. I didn't want that every time I walked frost would follow, I didn't want the ability to control snow.

I didn't want any of this.

I throw myself on to my bed. The covers form snow on them. I start bawling.

I just want to be normal.


Hope you enjoyed chapter two. Remember to add this and read, comment, and vote. Recommend this to your friends please. I'm so proud if this.

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