When he's jealous Pt 2

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Accidentally deleted this part and had to rewrite it all over again. Sorry for the long wait.

Raiden: (Based off that Greek myth called Galatea and Pygmalion)

In Earthrealm you're the goddess of the sun, the wife of the thunder god, due your powers over light made many also associated you as the goddess of hope and prosperity. Your light provided warmth and allow many things grow which made many pray for your light. Soon like Raiden you had many followers and a temple, it was huge and high in the mountains where the sun always shine. It was close to your husband’s temple, it was known as a sanctuary for the sick and the poor. It was very beautiful temple with gold and marble everywhere, it even had a statue of you made with gold accents it was made by a very talented human sculptor from long ago. You had priestesses that help whoever visits your temple and guard your various treasures in the temple.

You were just walking around the temple checking things when you heard familiar sounds of lightning and thunder. You smile as you felt muscular arms wrapped your waist. “Ah I knew you're be here my dearest one.” You giggle as your husband place his head on your shoulder. “Where else will I be?”

Raiden smile. “Well there's my temple, Wu Shi Academy or… our bed chambers.” You blush red and turn around to hit his chest. “Raiden!” Raiden chuckled at your embarrassed face, he kissed your forehead. “Apologises love but it's just you're so gentle and I can not help it but tease you…. even if it's true.”


But soon you giggle then Raiden pulled you in for a kiss. Then it turn into a full out make out with you two hiding behind a column so peering eyes can't see you two. Just when it was getting intense you two heard a voice.

“Oh gracious goddess of the bright sun please hear my prayer!”

You two pull apart and peer around the column to see a man with raven hair kneeling at your statue. He offered amazing paper origami figures of you and rice crackers. You two watched wondering the man wanted.

“I'm known as Takumi, the descendant of the man who made your statue for this temple from long ago. Like my ancestor I have fine skills of the arts especially sculpting. For the coming festival to honor you and the other gods I made an ivory statue of you to be placed in your temple…. Unfortunately I made it too lifelike and… Fallen for it.”

You and Raiden were shocked by the man's confession. You two never heard something like an artist falling in love with his own creation. Takumi continued to speak how this is his first time he felt so strongly for someone since he only find beauty in his works and was too busy for women. He admits with shame that he dress the statue in fine clothing, adorn it with beautiful jewels, and even talk and treats it as if were alive. He even named it Aimi which means beautiful love/affection, and asked for your help to bring her alive. You felt sorry for Takumi, he sounded very much in love with Aimi and wanted to help.

Raiden on the other hand was enraged that another man fallen for his wife. Yes it's a statue but it's based off of you so in a way Takumi had fallen for your looks, and dares ask for you to bring it to life! Raiden flumed as the skies darken a bit as thunder roar in the distance.

You decided to grant Takumi’s wish, well it's sad to see someone not be with their love and well his ancestor did made the grand statue in your temple, you kinda owe him. “I'm gonna help him.” Raiden was shocked and said in an angered tone. “What? Don't pity him love, perhaps it's his fate.” You looked at Raiden. “But dearest he's asking for help and look how miserable he is. How could you say that? What if you were in his shoes, would you not want the same?” Raiden looked at your pleading eyes and looked away mumbling angrily. “Very well….” You smile as Raiden teleported you two to the home of Takumi.

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