When he's jealous Pt 3

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Kung Jin: (Male reader)

Jin honestly knew what he was getting into when he decided to be in a relationship with you. The adopted son of Scorpion with fire abilities, you're smoking hot. You're gay but that still doesn't stop women to flirt with or being married to the Shaolin Monk stop men. You just attract attention from both sexes and Jin can get jealous easily. You made sure Jin knew you only loved him, yes you enjoy the attention from people but it is annoying too.

Jin was visiting Raiden due to the request of his cousin’s wife needing something from the god. Honestly he views her as a motherly figure and calls her Aunty, she's probably the only adult he respects. When Raiden went to fetch the object that Aunty requested that when heard laughter.

“Then he breaks the table as our neighbors just drink, then I yell his name making him freak out. Soon he'll ran off and I'll chased him screaming his name.”

Jin heard two guys laughter, one unknown to him but one familiar.

“Man you're funny! I thought you were so serious like what everyone said.”

Jin eyes widened at hearing your voice and walked over to see you walking up the stairs of Raiden’s temple. And you were happily chatting and laughing with another man he never met before, an older man too. The man had a black hair with a few grey hairs tied in a ponytail, he was muscular and was wearing some clothing of Japanese origins. Jin saw the man had a tattoo that ran from his shoulder down to his wrist, it had blue dragons and storm clouds. Honestly the man was handsome but Jin didn't care since you two seem all friendly… too friendly. The man had an arm around your shoulder as you two laugh.

“Oji Hanzo you're so cool! Now show me some of your great archery skills.”

“Heh very well Oi, I can't say no to you.”

Then he pulled out his bow and that's when Jin decided to make his appearance. Like hell you're with another man especially with another archer. He stomped over to you two.

“(M/n)! What the hell!”

You turned around to see your husband walking up to you. Smiling you waved not noticing the anger radiating off of him. “Hey babe I didn't know you were here. Say meet Hanzo! He's an archer like you!” Jin didn't hear what you and yelled. “(M/n)! Who's the fuck is he! And are you with him all the way here in Raiden's Temple!” You were about to answer but Jin cut you off. “You know what I don't care. And you Hanzo stay away from man or I'll shove my arrows up your ass!”

Jin glared daggers at Hanzo who was visibly uncomfortable. You laughed since Jin was mad and when he's mad he doesn't listen to reason. Jin looked at you. “What! You think this is funny! Cheating on me with this… bitch faced old man!”

Hanzo was offended. "Bitch faced old man?...." You burst out laughing angering and confusing Jin more. You calm down as you wipe tears from your eyes. “Babe calm down. I'm not cheating on you and this ‘bitch faced old man’ is my adopted mother's older brother, so my Oji or uncle.” Jin went quiet.

“..... What?”

You place an arm on your uncle's shoulders. “Jin remember my mom's hate for her brothers. Well Hanzo try to smooth things over by visiting her in Shirai Ryu but my mom wouldn't hear it and try to kill him. So Hanzo is banned from entering Shirai Ryu territory until mom wants him, but I like to meet my long lost Oji so we meet here where my mom can't find out.” Hanzo walked up to Jin and bow. “I am sorry that you mistook our friendly interactions as something more. It just I wanted to get to know my precious little sister's family since I haven't seen her in 10 years. Oh and hello, it's nice to meet my nephew's husband. He told me many great things about you.”

Mortal Kombat Husband Scenarios [Being Rewritten]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن