Kids Pt 1

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Johnny Cage:

You already had a daughter like Johnny you named her after your late grandmother Calliope. She was born from an abusive relationship with a boyfriend of 3 years, fortunately he never hit Calliope and only you. After she was born you decided to end it and called the cops on his ass and now he's locked up and you have a restraining order where he can't be near you or your daughter. Two year years later you met Johnny and after dating for 3 years got married and had your son Claude Cage, the result of the honeymoon.

After started dating you immediately told Johnny of Calliope who was two at the time, since you believe he should know. Johnny confessed of his own daughter named Cassandra or Cassie for short, she was 12 and is still sad over his divorce with his ex-wife which happen two years ago. Surprising Johnny was a great father to Calliope and treated her as his own, maybe because he's a big kid. Cassie hated you for a year since she can't believe her father is trying to replace her mom or that you will be like Sonya since you're a famous singer, and will probably be busy with work.

You never got mad with her despite Cassie's trying to get you to leave. You treated her with kindness which made Cassie change her attitude and soon she view you as a second mom. Claude was your and Johnny first son and he looks exactly like his father, you even let Johnny choose the name which is after his favorite action actor. Calliope and Cassie love their 5 year old half brother and were good big sisters to him despite Cassie being 20 and Calliope 10. In all you were all a big happy family.

Johnny was watching his son since you had a girl's shopping spree with Calliope and Cassie. Johnny was teaching his son a very important skill he will need in life. "Okay junior look at daddy when he does it. It's very important you do it correctly for it can make a girl very very happy, like your mom. Boy she lit up like a Christmas tree when I did it." Johnny smirked at the memory, while Claude was confused. "But daddy mommy's not a Christmas tree and it's April." Johnny chuckled and wave him off. "No it's an expression which is.... What am I doing? You're only five I'll wait until you get to 5th grade or something."

Despite being in his fifties Johnny was an active dad and always keep up with his energetic son, something he inherited from his bubbly mother. Maybe it helps that Johnny is a kid at heart, it takes a kid to know a kid. Johnny made sure he can be apart of his son's life as much as he can.... But teaching him how to be cool like his (literal) old man.

*Time Skip*

You and the girls returned home with tons of bags from the mall. Calliope was happy. "Mom that was fun! Now I have new cool clothes I'll be best dressed at my school thanks to Cassie!" Cassie smile and pat her stepsister's head. "Anything for my little stepsister, I mean we all can't have a cutie with a sweet smile like you for a little sister." The two share a laugh as you placed your bags on the floor.

"My darling boys we're home!"


You smile as you pulled out boxes of cookies. "We got you two some cookies from that Nestle Toll House cafe!"

Then you hear rapid footsteps and saw Johnny holding Claude. "Cookies? Baby I love you more than ever!" Claude jumped from his dad's arms. "Mommy I love you!" You smile as Cassie and Calliope giggle at the two. Then Johnny remember what he was teaching his son. "Oh wait Claude show mama what we been working on." Claude gave a soft oh yeah then pulled out a piece of paper and gave it to you. Cassie and Calliope crowded around you to see the paper, only to laugh and awe at it. The paper was a decent drawn picture of Claude, which he drew himself in crayons, and it said to my biggest fan.

Oh my god...

"That's right I'm teaching our son to do awesome autographs like his old man. It's never too early to start, so when he's famous he will already has it down."

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