Kids Pt 3

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“Suchin! How did you get your grandpa’s sword?!”

Takeda was close to pulling his hair out as he saw his darling girl holding Sento in her hands. He was watching her since for a two year she was very mischievous, something she got from you since you recall the many times you stressed your parents out…. Your mother more so. Takeda as the worrying young father immediately grabbed Sento so Suchin can't get hurt. The girl eyes watered up since her meanie of a father took her cool toy. Takeda panicked as his daughter started to brawl.

“No! Don't cry please! Suchin please!”

The girl kept on crying while Takeda try to calm her down, but it wasn't working. Takeda was at his wit’s end until Kenshi walked in with you holding Perseus. “Need help son?” Kenshi smile as Takeda quickly turn to him. “Please!!! Dad I don't know how you do this!” Kenshi chuckled as he walked over to his granddaughter and picked her up. He rocked her while gently patting her back.

“Having children is a tough challenge even as young parents.” Soon Suchin’s sobs turn to sniffles then to snores as she fell asleep in her grandfather's arms. “But it's rewarding as well since children love their parents as much parents love them as well. You make great memories that can last a lifetime and one day your children will share that joy with their own children.”

Kenshi handed Suchin to Takeda who was amazed that his dad calmed her down in a few minutes. Boy Takeda was still trying to get the whole fatherhood thing down but it was hard. He couldn't get anything right making him feel he was a terrible father, he constantly asked you or his parents for help. Now he has two kids to look after since you two couldn't help it after Suchin turn two. Perseus was a few months old, he has your eyes and from his tuff of hair your hair color too. Suchin had her father looks, when you were pregnant you and Takeda agreed that if it was a girl she'll be named after Takeda's beloved late mother and a boy after your father as a way to honor your two dead parents.

Takeda hold her the way Kenshi did. “Like this dad? Man being a dad is hard.” Kenshi smile. “No one said fatherhood was easy but do not worry my son you're doing a fine job. No one's perfect.” Takeda smile hearing his dad's words. “Thanks dad now I'm putting this little devil to bed.” He soon left as you rock your son.

“And you (Y/n), are you fine?”

You smile at Kenshi. “I'm fine thank you. Perseus is a good baby, he rarely cries only for food or when he needs to be changed. Unlike Suchin who cried at any chance she has.”

“Each child is different. I remember when Hedone was born she was a quiet one but Kazuo… oh boy Kazuo was such a loud child. He constantly wanted to be held or attention…. And it seemed he barely changed from his child self.”

You laughed knowing how your brother-in-law is, he's like Johnny Cage but more loud and bearable. Boy Takeda's family is sure an interesting one. Takeda soon return and happily hold his son and coo at him. Sure he's having trouble but he loves his kids dearly. Boy when you found out you were pregnant Takeda was overjoyed and told everyone from Scorpion to his team. He immediately began to decorate the nursery and was there every mood swing and craving you had. He even had your mother stay with you during the pregnancy so when he's on missions he knew you're safe.

Perseus smile and laugh as Takeda held him high. “Hello my little Percy. Daddy loves you.” Then Takeda begin to throw Perseus in the air making you nervous. Kenshi smile. “At least he's not using his telepathic powers to make him float.” Kenshi remembered doing that to his other kids making his wife have a heart attack…. Good memories.

Kung Jin: (Male reader)

You and your husband adopted a girl…. Well more like found her. You were sent on a mission to see if Kotal Khan sent any soldiers since the Reiko Accords not longer concerns him. You scouted the area and found nothing usual then when you pass a group of rocks you heard something. At first you thought you were hearing things but then the noise got louder… and you could tell it was a child whimpered.

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