Angel to the Grave (unedited)

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"I'd have to admit that I can but I'm a rather easy opponent Mr Phantomhive"

"Even so Miss Night I do request that we have a game"

"Of course Mr Phantomhive"

I looked closely at the board; it was rather nice although like the rest of this house seemed to have a rather strange aura around it.

The game had started and I found myself quickly losing this made me wish that I had paid more attention to father when he had taught me about it in the first place. Although with his fantasy world our set resembled more of a mythical war, the pieces still held the same purpose but were very different indeed.

So I had played with the pieces not by recognition but of where they were at the start and how they could be moved around.

After a few games the familiar scent of my favourite drink began to fill the large cold room, I would have recognised the scent from anywhere and I silently indulged in the warm and loving scent.

Before I knew what was happening Sebastian appeared before us and I swear my heart beat rose higher and I could feel the hidden blush tickle my delicate.

"My lord tonight I have prepared for you a rare earl gray with a light chocolate cake"

Sebastian poured and served ciel with his tea and cake and I felt transfixed on this butler, the way he was so focused and gentle. I still could not believe that a man like this existed.

"Milady for you I have prepared what I believe to be your favourite hot chocolate and a lighter version of the chocolate cake"

"Thank you Sebastian"

It was becoming harder to control my heart rate and the blush that seemed so desperate to show up whenever Sebastian was near me. I felt something brush close to my ear and could hear his sweet voice whisper in my ear.

"Queen to B12 Milady"

I was slightly baffled at first but then realised what he meant it was a chess move. I nodded slightly in appreciation and tried to remember who the queen was and where B12 was. Then I realised angel to the grave.

I looked towards ciel and found that he seemed slightly upset maybe I had won. Survivng this long against him was an achievement in itself.

"Well done Miss Night it appears to be checkmate"

"Thank you Mr Phantomhive"

I found myself talking with ciel for a rather long time before I had felt the need to retire. I found Victoria outside of the door and she seemed to have been waiting for myself to finish up.

"Victoria I wish to retire for the night, I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long"

"Not at all mistress and I believe your room is along this way"

We walked the halls together side by side as I didn't feel right when Victoria stood behind me as it made me feel an immense guilt for some reason.

The room I was placed in was rather beautiful although it still retained the same aura as the rest of this place. It was a though there were thousands of dark secrets that intertwined into every part of the house's every fibre. Maybe this room itself held a thousand unknown secrets.

My nightly routine took over from this point and I soon found myself falling into a safe night of sleep.

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