I wonder who that could be (unedited)

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I had managed to glimpse more of the house as the viscount told me how I should learn the lay out of my new home; I never paid attention though instead I stayed in my imagination and nodded towards him whenever I felt it was required.

My sense on time had started to leave me so I never knew how long I had been here but I presumed it was too long.

I felt myself losing will every day and as though my very soul was draining away, I knew weak maybe even pathetic but I had been born into luxury and never faced a real day of hardship maybe that was why I took this so hard.

Viscount Druitt's POV (point of view)

My kitten was losing to her weak childhood. I almost felt sorry for her and in a sense it did pain me to see her this way.

She had lost her shine, her skin was paled to that of a corpse and everything I had lusted after was gone but she was still an exciting character and although did not know of this rather special. Not for any supernatural power or aid but the unlocked knowledge she had of the supernatural world. Locked within her was everything of the supernatural and was continuously updated. With a weapon like her you could destroy the un-clean and impure.

I should have cracked her by now but something kept what I longed for hidden inside her, hidden inside and it seemed as though it would never show.

I only required her until I had what I wanted and then since she was impure she would meet her maker and all the demons in the world couldn't save her.

Sebastian's POV (Point of view)

She had been gone for a whole week and there was nothing to tell us where she was, even her maid Victoria had disappeared. I hadn't seen her after we danced but I shouldn't have been so blind as to assume she was okay she clearly wasn't.

I had suspicions that this had something to do with her father, to marry off his only child was most dishonourable so I would not be surprised if he was involved somehow. That was when I heard the loud thud against cold wooden doors.

Who would call at such an hour I wondered.

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