Kitty whiskers (unedited)

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Sebastian's POV (Point of View)

I had seen her run from the office in tears but for some reason I couldn't maybe it was due to the fact that there was a rather upset noise coming from the phone that had been left hanging in the air. I carefully picked it up and pressed the phone to my ear.

"I'm sorry Mr Night but your daughter has something that requires her immediate attention, I will get her to call you back the moment she can"

I slammed the phone down with a harsh bang as I tried to control my anger over the nerve of that man and how he could be so cruel as to try and sell off my lady. That thought confused me my lady that wasn't right she wasn't mine, well at least not yet. Maybe my feelings for her were love but I still couldn't be sure.

Nekara's POV (Point of View)

I hadn't known for how long me and Victoria had sat there but my eyes felt dry and the tears had stopped so we had decide to make our way inside to get ready for the costume ball. All the way in Victoria had protested against my going to the ball but I had figured it would be rather rude if I were not to attend especially after ciel had been kind enough to let me stay here.

So with the help of Victoria I changed into my simple black dress that had been given a fur trim on the bottom and on the sweet heart neckline. Also a black tail was attached to the waist belt and I had left my hair straight to make it easier to slip in the black kitty bad with medium black ears with a lining of pale pink on the inside.

I squirmed slightly as Victoria added the whiskers with black liner. I hated the feeling of make-up it was just horrible but I endured it only when it was needed.

Victoria had decided on this Egyptian outfit that was very lovely but perhaps a little too revealing. I hadn't mentioned it though as she seemed to be enjoying herself and if memory recalls this would be the first time she would attend a proper ball and not just one that me her and mother had played with as an imaginative game.

Flashback ***

I tried my best to get into the oversized ball gown after asking mother what a ball was like. She had insisted that we play a ball game and pretend we were fine ladies attending some earl's ball. I, mother and Victoria were all made up in fine dresses with our hair styled. I remember trying to dance with mother in the oversized dress but always falling instead but we still managed to laugh and have fun anyway.

End of flashback **

Time skip***

Me and Victoria both came into the ball room and found that most people had already arrived and costumes ranged from the most extravagant thing I had ever laid eyes on to some things that were rather simple. The common theme between the men seemed to be soldiers from many different eras or some would just where what I thought to be their finest and a simple mask that covered parts of their faces.

The woman seemed to have much more variety to them obviously none of them wanted to wear the same as another lady. Some wore fine gowns with masks whilst others wore dresses from other countries and eras. I had to admit I felt slightly underdressed but I pushed it to the back of my mind as I entered the room and tried to associate myself with anyone who seemed around my age.

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