The ball (unedited)

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As the night progressed I found myself having fun, I had managed to talk with many people whom turned out to be associates of my father although thinking of father still caused a pang in my heart.

After a while I managed to excuse myself from a group and found a small corner to rest in for a few moments to catch my breath and try to figure out a few things that rested in my mind. I had to find out how to confront father with his decision.

I had never heard of anything like this so why would he decide upon it suddenly, it was so unlike it father and just unnatural. I had to figure out of this purely for the fact that I was not ready for something like marriage and I'd be dammed if I would marry someone I didn't love.

Although I wasn't sure what I had expected as I was around the age that most girls were married off for unknown reasons but it was something happened and something that society chose to ignore. Not many people outside of certain pacts knew the specifics but they did know it happened.

I tried to banish these thoughts as I looked up to watch everyone dancing to the wonderful music. I wasn't too fond of dancing myself as although many had tried to teach me it was always hopeless and I usually ended up lying on the floor laughing at my lack of skills.

A smooth velvet voice broke me out of my trance as I found those same crimson eyes looking towards me.

"Milady a young lady like yourself shouldn't be standing in the corner like this"

"Maybe I don't want to embarrass myself in front of this whole place"

"I assure you that you won't milady"

With that I felt arms wrap around and felt myself being pulled towards the dance floor and within minutes I was being lead around with ease by the man whom had a firm grip around me.

"S-s-sebastian I don't know how to dance"

"Don't worry milady, just let me lead"

I did listen to him and found myself actually enjoying the dance and having fun. True to his word Sebastian led the whole dance and not even once did I fall or make any mistakes. I tried not to admit it but I was enjoying dancing with him and being so close to him and soon found myself relaxing into him and leaning my head to his chest.

Sebastian POV (Point of view)

I gently lead her around the dance floor and found a smile carving onto my features which only increased when I felt her lean into my chest. Maybe that thought in the back of my mind was right and I was starting to find love with this girl.

Now the only matter to attend to was keeping her as mine and not allowing her father to sell her off to some stupid nobleman. To how I would achieve this I had no real idea. I had one plan to keep her for a while longer but it could never be a permanent move.

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