I think I'll call you Pluto (unedited)

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I kept tossing and turning but to no avail although I was tired sleep just wouldn't grace me with its presence. It was rather annoying when I couldn't sleep as I needed it to grow, somewhere in my mind I knew I wouldn't grow but I wanted to as I was just so small.

I felt my feet come into contact with the ground as my legs sprung free from the cloud like fabric. I shivered slightly as I came into contact with the cold night air that wanted to pierce my skin with its icy touch. Who knew that a cold night could feel so human?

I felt myself move towards the window to glance out upon the gardens they were lovely but I dare to say that my own garden rivalled it.

Then I saw it; what seemed to be giant dog bounding towards my open window. I know that fear should have encased me yet I felt no fear towards this animal and as it ventured closer I could feel myself taking steps as well. What was I doing this was pure madness yet another part of my mind was stronger and blocked out logic and pulled me closer and closer towards this dog.

I was staring out the window into its huge calling eyes and found myself reaching out my hand to pet it. The huge eyes softened at my touch and I soon found this dog inviting me upon its back.

"Well logic already left so I see no harm"

I happily moved carefully to the dogs back and instantly felt the warmth of it spread through me as I adjusted myself into a more comfortable place and finding the slight dip in its neck a comfortable enough place and it seemed rather warm as well.

It truly felt as though I was riding upon lightning as I darted across the estate on this loving dog. Logic still pressed at me though as I rode pressing me to find out what it was and how something like this had not already been found and researched.

I had to admit I was enjoying this ride and as it continued I could feel a smile grace my face, a real one. I even found myself laughing at the dog's glee and whispered to it.

"I think I'll call you pluto"

Time seemed to stop as we travelled along the estate and I found an almost hidden love for this creature. Although to many pluto would terrify yet for some reason he remained to be a loving dog that just wanted a friend to play with. Then my fun suddenly stopped as he skidded to a halt for some reason.

"Milady can I ask what you are doing out here so late?"

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