A Warming Figure (unedited)

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Nekara's Pov (Point of view)

At first I didn't realise what Sebastian was doing but then I felt his lips collide with my own. I never reacted; I just sat there wide eyed filled with shock. He pulled away and although I had no idea how to feel but I had a slight yearning to continue.


It was outrageous for me to say but I wanted him to continue his actions although he had been rude enough to steal my first kiss. A kiss that in this society was meant to be saved and only taken by permission but he had not waited for this and had stolen it in a soft almost lover like way.

I could not tell for how long I had sat there but it seemed like a small eternity and one voice woke me from my daze.

"Milady are you okay?"

I didn't speak, I did not want to in case my inner emotions poured out of them, they could be the ones that held anger or the ones that desired him to continue.

I simply hid my face under the sheets and pointed towards the door.

"I am sorry milady"

There was a slight pause and then I heard the light sound of the door closing.

Sebastian's Pov (Point of View)

I didn't think my actions would affect Nekara so much but as I removed myself from her silky lips, she did not react and instead stayed in a daze as though unaware of what had just happened, She sat there engulfed by inner thought and only said my name once in a shocked whisper then we sat in silence for what felt like a small eternity but was not.

Then she shifted and I expected her to say something but she simply hid under her sheets and pointed towards the door. I assumed she meant for me to take my leave so with a heavy heart I stood and whispered.

"I am sorry milady"

After that damaged whisper I took my leave quietly.


Nekara's Pov (Point of view)

It had been a few days after my incident with Sebastian and I hadn't seen him for all of these days, I was consumed by sadness thinking I was the one whom had caused this, maybe I was after all I was the one that made him leave but surely it was understandable.

I made my way to the balcony and there I found Pluto quietly waiting as though he had been commanded to by his master. I reached out towards him silently requesting a ride and found my request had been granted as I lifted my dress to get onto his back.

When I was settled Pluto set off at a light pace around the grounds. As we wondered my mind reminded me of the last time I was riding Pluto and I found my heart clenching at the thought of Sebastian.

As Pluto continued to a small unused area of the estate I noticed a small figure that I recognised almost immediately and my heart did a double beat as I slid off Pluto and into the arms of the figure.

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