Explanations and Lust (unedited)

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Nekara's Pov (Point of view)

I was struck with brightness as I opened up my eyes. I was confused at that dream and instantly pulled my hand from the covers and there it was what mother had called my contract mark; it couldn't be real this had to be an elaborate prank of some sorts.

I realised that I was back in my room at the Phantomhive Mannor; how did I get here. Panic crossed me and I let out a panicked cry for Victoria.

"Good Morning Milady"

I was surprised to see Sebastian when the door opened, where was Victoria ?

"Where is Victoria?"

"Oh I'm sorry milady but she had some important business to attend to"

"Really how strange"

"How so milady?"

"Oh it's just she always told me everything, I just thought she would have let me know ahead of time"

"I'm sure she meant to tell you milady"

Time Skip****

I placed a pair of gloves over my hands wanting to conceal this so called contract mark as to not raise questions; before I headed towards the gardens; I needed to clear my head and try to make sense of everything.

As I found a small area containing a willow tree I sat down carefully and just sat there staring into space as flashback after flashback assaulted me. I had to admit this was the strangest time of my life; there were so many things that I craved an explanation for and I knew one person had at least a few answers maybe even all but I never knew how to find him he just seemed to appear like the demon he is.

As my thoughts began to swirl around Sebastian, I felt a cool presence beside me and as I turned my head I came into the view of his crimson eyes.

"You called Milady"

"Sebastian I need you to explain a few things to me"

"Of course Milady, ask away"

This was when I removed my glove and showed him the so called contract mark.

"This for starters, what is it?"

"Ah Milady that is my contract mark"

He pulled off his glove to reveal an identical mark.

"Milady you are very important and are aligned to my world and I serve as your protector, it is my duty to keep you safe from now on"

"So what mother said true?"

"Pardon Milady"

"Oh it's just a dream I had, my mother was there and she explained this all to me but I didn't think it was true"

What Sebastian said next had me at a loss as he seemed to hum it quietly so I was unable to hear it but I was sure it couldn't be good.

Sebastian's Pov (Point of view)

I looked down at Nekara with worry in my heart, she shouldn't be having visions so soon; my mind began to wonder what else may unravel in her before it's time. I couldn't lose her before she was mine so my mind implored me to do something that I never thought possible of myself. Maybe my lust was really starting to take over.

I cupped her soft face in my hands and pulled her face towards mine and gave my lust free reign.

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