An Old Saying (unedited)

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I still couldn't tell what had happened over the course of the few minutes as I had found myself in a complete and utter daze. I hadn't been able to tell for how long I had been in the bed but I was all alone now yet I still wanted to be close to him, real funny that wanting to be so close to a possible demon.

Time skip ****

An overwhelming brightness filled the room as my eyes fluttered and instead of the ceiling blocking my view I found a pair of crimson eyes staring back at me with what looked like adoration. Although a velvet voice cut me from the daze and brought me back.

"Milady we need to talk about last night"

"W-w-what do you mean there isn't anything to talk about"

"Oh I hate to disagree milady but there is quite a bit for example what were you doing outside so late on that dog"

"W-w-well I was... uh..."

"How cute milady, I anticipated that's what you would say"

I figured an old saying was true as I heard a gentle knock on the door; so saved by the knock. Sebastian had already moved himself and was acting as though he had just opened them, Victoria let herself in and I smiled up at her.

"Good morning mistress"

"Good morning Victoria"

I followed her gaze and found that she was watching Sebastian as he made a beeline for the door. All the kindness seemed to escape her and she set eyes on him. He seemed to take another longing peak at me before he left the room.

"We better get you ready milady, Lord phantomhive has requested you for breakfast"

I mumbled to myself as I loved sleep and longed for a little more but I guess that it would only be polite to meet with my host. Maybe I could find out a little more about his so called demon butler.

As Victoria buttoned the back of my simple blue day dress I felt the need to ask her something.

"Victoria may I ask you a question"

"Of course mistress"

"Do you have a problem with Sebastian"

"Well mistress your father did say to be careful around him, we still don't know if he's human or a demon"

"I can understand Victoria but I think we should make an effort in being friendly, we don't want to make a bad impression"

"Mistress I think you've made quite the impression on that butler already"

A Demonic Heart (OLD ORIGINAL VERSION)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang