Sebastian's Sight (unedited)

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A feeling of trouble clouded over my mind as I felt Sebastian's intense gaze upon me. I felt as though I was a young child about to be scolded for leaving their bed at a stupid time which in a sense applied to me.

Somehow he had managed to climb onto pluto and was right next to me. He was so close that I could feel his cool breath fan against my neck, again the redness rose in my cheeks even by his closeness. I had to get over it and repeated that as I remember father had said he was a demon so I can't let my feeling interfere.

Sebastian's POV (Point of View)

I had been going about my usual duties around the manor when my thoughts were clouded with thoughts of Miss Night. I had never felt this way about a human girl before and I knew it was more than lust but I wouldn't admit it was love.

I hadn't realised it but I soon found myself standing outside her door. It was so tempting to just go in and peek at her beauty but my heart sped up when I couldn't hear any soft breathing typical of a sleeping girl. I couldn't stop myself as I charged into her room and found nothing but an empty bed and an open window.

Millions of thoughts raced in and out of my mind as I raced around the house trying to find her. I had searched the whole house but to no avail she wasn't anywhere to be seen and there was no trace of her as well.

Pluto's howls echoed through the garden but this time they were mixed with laughter a girl's laughter to be specific. As I walked towards these sounds I came into contact with pluto who was carrying a small form atop his neck.

"Milady can I ask what you are doing out here so late?"

Her face dazed into a guilty and troubled expression and she looked down into pluto's fur. I took my opportunity to get closer to her. I could feel the blush that had raised at my presence it was rather cute and then the pang of temptation struck me with full force.

I gently picked her up and headed for the still open window and proceeded to place her in the bed before I whispered.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow milady"

A Demonic Heart (OLD ORIGINAL VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now