The Viscount (unedited)

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Sebastian's POV (Point of view)

As I pulled open the doors I didn't find anyone but found a single note sitting on the landing that was addressed to myself. How strange

I tucked the note into my coat pocket to save it for later and finished up on my chores.

Time Skip***

As I retired to my room I picked the note out of my pocket and as my eyes scanned it; I could feel the anger rise within me and the night stand found itself falling from the window and smashing to the ground below; I would have to get that repaired by tomorrow.

I headed to the young masters room to inform him of the incident as after all if word got out that she had been kidnapped while in the young master's residence it would not bode well for his reputation.

Nekara's Pov (Point of View)

He was still pacing back and forth across the room that I had deemed my prison, I wasn't sure as to why he was pacing it was as though he was preoccupied with something of a great importance.

He was rather frightening when he was so quiet and that slight psychopathic look had returned to him, I didn't dare speak or move as after our last close encounter I was scared around him.

He had promised me death and I was in no doubt that he would fulfil that promise. The strange thing was that he seemed far too friendly to hide this psychopathic personality, he seemed rather angelic but I guess that old saying must have some truth to it; never judge a book by its cover.

Viscount Druitt's POV (point of view)

I couldn't understand it; that damn demon should have come for her now, it had been an hour since I sent that note and it wasn't hard to solve the riddle that would lead to our location. I was starting to lose my patience at that damn demon and his contract surely they would come for her or were they so heartless that they did not care.

I paced back towards my kitten and pulled her into my arms; it would pan me greatly after I was finished with her and was tasked with destroying her; if only I could make her pure then she would belong to me forever.

There was something strangely calming about her but maybe it was that unlocked knowledge that was beginning to seep through. As I looked down I noticed that she had fallen into a sleep; it seemed as though her knowledge was best used when she slept, so maybe I would not have to destroy her after all.

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