Chapter 2 - HIM

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Chaeyoung stood still while her eyes glued to staring at the floor and thinking about the man she just bumped into

That's jeon jungkook for sure because she knows very well that piercing pair of eyes that he used to throw at her whenever she smile at him or just simply give him something like chocolate or cookies on valentines day back in highschool years.

It's really him!
It's Jeon Jungkook!
He works here too ?

DING! That sound wake her up from her deep thoughts
"Right! I should make a good impression first! Not thinking about useless thoughts" she said while pumping her fist

she walked passed so many cubicles and felt so many eyes staring at her
It just felt like the first day of highschool all over again when you were in that busy hall and everybody staring at you and that kind of situation always makes Chaeyoung nervous for some reason.

"Emm.. Excuse me, but where is the manager office?" She ask one of the girls there

"Are you blind or something ? Didn't you notice that sign on that door read MANAGER OFFICE?" One of the girls said with a bored and annoyed expression which she is very used seeing.

"Sorry, it's my first day at work and i'm so nervous and when i did, i can't see my surrounding ver-" she explain while smiling but was cut off again for the third time today

"What? Can't hear you and definetly don't care" one of the girls said while rolling her eyes.
"Hehe, i'll be going then, thank you again and sorry t0 disturb you guys" she said to excuse herself while bow to show respect to other worker

After she found the manager office she knock on the door three times and hear a small 'come in'
"Good morning, sir!" She bow the perfectly 90 degree bow to her new boss
"Please do sit, Park chaeyoung-ssi" her new boss said while gesturing her to sit

"Thank you sir" She looks at the name 'Branch Manager , Byun Baekhyun'

"You're not late for your first day which is very good, i don't like it if you're not punctual and i don't like hearing excuses of why you late when the real problem is yourself" the man who looks like her age said with a very stern gaze directed right through her

"Yes sir, i promise you i will give my best and never be late" chaeyoung said with her usual wide smile that make her cheeks looks like a chipmunk because she's just exited that she make it on time and she did it! She make a good impression on her boss!

"Great! Now your working here as my personal secretary and you will be assisting me in all of my activities and also give me my work schedules everyday" he began explaining her works on what should she do and she wrote it all in her notebooks in case she forgot and she wouldn't want that to happen.

"That's all, your work space is there and you may start today " he said finishing his words while pointing at the space in front of him.
"Thank you sir! I will work hard" she said while standing up and bow to her boss.

Sitting down in her work space makes her feeling giddy because she got her own cubicle and even tough for some people it's normal but for her it's a really special cubicle because that means she really got a job!

As she was still feeling giddy and smiling like an idiot while unpacking her work stuff
"Chaeyoung-ssi ! Get me a double shots of espresso and no sugar in coffee shop across the street please" her boss said
"Right away sir!" She then excuse herself.

While she was waiting for the lift , she can't help but to remember her little meeting with her first love that last for 3 years of her highschool.
'Did he even remember me?' She ask herself
'I mean it's been 5 years since i last saw him and the last was when i was about to confess my feelings only to see him standing and smiling with the most popular girl in school and probably it's a good idea that he didn't remember me because i don't want him to feel uncomfortable knowing i had a crush on him in highsch-' her thoughts were stopped by the ding sound of the lift .

And god bless her because for the second time of the day , the man in her thoughts appeared to be standing right in front of her.
While she just stared at him like a freaking idiot unable to move a muscle because he still have that kind of effect on her.

"Aren't you going to take the lift?" He said while pressing the hold button
"Right i almost forgot! And sorry for making you wait and thank you for waiting and now i'm rambling again so i'm sorry" chaeyoung as usual, nervous and her mouth can't stop rambling while stepping into the lift.

She didn't have the courage to look up and just stared at the very interesting floor beneath her.

"Still the same i see" he say again with a smirk playing on his lips
"Whaa-" before she can't ask him , the ding sound can be heard again he already got out of the lift and walking to the parking area .

Leaving chaeyoung with her confused thoughts.

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