Chapter 5 - Just a little bit

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Another day of an alarm ringing at 6 am sharp and awakening the girl from her very much loved sleep

'Five minutes more' she thought

Five minutes soon turned into 30 minutes
Not until she hear her mom shouting "chaeng honey ! Didn't you have work today ?"

She suddenly jolted awake
"Oh shoottttt , i am so dead"
And then all of her morning routine are being shortened to save time and also her ass

Her mom can only shakes her head seeing her daughter running and searching for her heels
"Chaeng , have breakfast first"

Chaeyoung can only take a piece of bread and kiss her mom's cheeks "Bye mom , i love you"

and waves to her dad and brother
And then run like hell to the bus stop hoping that she can still catch her bus

"Ahjussiii thank you so much for still waiting for me" she said to her favorite bus driver
"can't leave my favorite customer behind" he smiled and told her to go sit down

"You're late" her boss said to her in his stern voice
Even though she can still catch her bus but she still is late for 10 minutes and when she see her boss standing and waiting for her , she knew she was screwed

"I'm so sorry boss it was never my intention to let you down , i won't ever do it again" she said with her head lowered down and her lips already quivered because she's so afraid to lose this job

She loves this job

"You know the rules chaeyoung-ssi , I specifically told you that I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T RESPECT THE RUL--" his scolding was cut off and suddenly bowed to the person who just walk in

"CEO-nim" he said and suddenly smile "is there anything you need?" So politely

Chaeyoung also bow to the person before her and she can only see his shoes
"I just want to check the improvements of the companies that decided to work with us a months ago"

That voice
She looks up to a familiar eyes and shock filled her whole body
'He's the CEO?!?!?'

Actually jungkook know that she works in this part and he also know that she was running late because on the way to work he saw her running with her heels

And of course he knows that she's gonna get some scolding and decide to save her
just this once

'This is for last night' he said in his mind

"And i want to talk this privately so tell your secretary to get out" jungkook said with authority in his voice

"Okay sir" Baekhyun-ssi said and walk over to chaeyoung "i'll let you go because it's your first time and please don't repeat it ever again" he said sternly

"Thank you so much boss , i swear to god i will never repeat the same mistakes again and i will learn fro--" she was cut off by her boss

"Just get out"

"Thank you once again boss" she said and bow

feeling relief that she is STILL working and not fired at this moment
And she silently thank jungkook slash her CEO-nim for showing up at the critical moment
'Thank you jungkook' she send a smile to him even though she know that he probably didn't see it

What she didn't know is that
Jungkook see her smiling so big as a thank you and his lips lifted up a little bit and after he realize what he did he's back to being THE jeon jungkook everyone knows.

"Author note : hello ! Whoever that read this , i just wanna say thank you and i'm sorry if the story line of my story is a mess because i'm new and i accept all critics and i will try to improve it as best as i can
Thank you"
Love , N

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