Chapter 16 - Every Moment Of You

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"Jungkook , where are we going ?" She asked after she see that he's going on a completely different route from her house. "Somewhere with a lot of food stalls and restaurants" he answer while slightly glancing back at her.

She looks at him "You're hungry ? At this hour ? Jungkook , Are you skipping your meals again ? I'm seriously gonna tell halmeoni if you keep skipping your meals, i know that you're busy but you have to keep your heal--" she start to scold him.

"Nope. I'm not but i know you are" he cut her off "i know that you didn't eat anything beside that kimbap earlier and i know your stomach is not going to be happy with just a kimbap". He always knew how much she loves food and it's his fault that all she had today was only kimbap.

"Me ? No ! I'm already full ! That kimbap is already enou-" her stomach makes some grumbling voices. "That's not my stomach" she explain red faced.

And he laugh. A very rare one that is. A laugh where his nose get scrunched up and his cheeks are squishing his eyes.

"Wow" she said gazing at him. "This is the first time i ever see you laugh" she smile softly "i mean, your expression was usually limited to only smirks and cold gazes"

"Considered yourself lucky then. Because i'm only gonna show this to you only" he replied with a playful tone which she return with a giggles. "Never in a million years that i thought i will be in the same car , laughing away with THE infamous Jeon Jungkook and even become his friend"

"You're one lucky girl then" he cockily answered. "I guess i am" she played along.


Shortly after, they arrived at a night market. Where you can see many youngsters enjoying themselves with the night breezes while it's packed with foods and snacks stalls.

"Oh my gosh ! We're eating here?! Thank you jungkook ! I've always wanted to go to one of these !" She giddily smile. Her eyes lit up seeing the street that looks so alive at night.

But before she could run off because her excitement gets her so hyped. she felt his hands intertwined with hers which makes her look up to him , but before she can ask , he casually put their joined hands in his coat pocket and quickly start walking "in case you get lost" was his explanation.

"What do you want to eat first ?" He ask while looking at her admiring the foods. She looks confused. She wants to try them all. Everything looks delicious. "Can you recommend something jungkook ? I can't choose" she pouts "everything in here is calling for me to taste them" she whine. "This might be the most difficult decisions that i have to make in my life" unconsciously releasing her cute side.

Fuck. The latter cursed inside. Seeing this 23 year old woman beside him acting cutesy makes him go all weird. Like his
stomach has turned to a fluffy mess.

He quickly realize that he's been staring "how about some tteokbokki first ? they sell some great tteokbokki here" he quickly make his way to the tteokbokki stall.

"Do you come here a lot ?" She look at his side profile. While jungkook is busy protecting her from bumping to people.
"I like to stroll around sometime" actually, that was a complete lie. Before he approach her earlier, he looks for a good places to eat from his phone and this place came on number one because it has various kinds of foods.

"Alone ?" She can't help but to ask more questions and beside he seems to not mind it at all. Jeon jungkook is happy when he hears her rambles and ask him about anything that comes to her mind. He just loves hearing her voice.

After they arrives at the tteokbokki stall , chaeyoung was about to order before jungkook beats her to it "excuse me , can i have one serving of tteokbokki and make it not too spicy please. Thank you" he ordered politely.

He knows that Chaeyoung can't really handle spicy food. Thanks to his observation of course.

When he walk over with foods , he saw how her eyes lit up and she even clapped her hands excitedly.
Sadly though, it was because of the foods in his hands not him.
You lucky bastards. He cursed the foods in his hands silently.

Meanwhile chaeyoung looks confused on why jungkook is glaring the tteokbokki.


They both enjoy the night differently. Chaeyoung is busy with food while jungkook is busy enjoying the view in front of him. Not the lights, not the streets. But her. Munching away her foods with gusto. "Is it that good?" He ask while his hands rest in the table looking softly at her.

"It's so good ! Thank you for bringing me here, i always want to come here but my mom and brother was always busy and i don't want to come alone" she explain while still munching "are you sure you don't want some ?" She offered some to him "it's really , really good" she convinced him.

"Feed me" he asked.

She halted for a second and widened her eyes "w-what ?". Seeing her paused gives him some opportunity to casually hold her hand , take some of the tteokbokki and feed it to his mouth. "It's not that hard , see ?"

"Bu-ut" he stops her "no buts. Just feed me. Considered this as a payment for bringing you here"

Hearing the word 'payment' is already enough to make chaeyoung comply.

Some time later, they finished eating and just enjoying the night breezes when chaeyoung asked jungkook to take her picture because this is her first ever night stroll and she loves the vibe there. She want to remember this moment.

But before she could give him her phone. He already take his phone out and start to count to three which makes her hurriedly start to poses. When she thinks that she already have enough pictures , his fingers is still clicking away.

"Jungkook, stop" she start to protest and trying to reach for his phone but to no avail. And her last try is to cover her face. "You're mean jungkook" she said glaring at him which makes him laugh but his fingers is still clicking away.

"Okay, okay i'll stop" he quickly put his phone down.

"Promised me you delete that, i look ridiculous!" She complain which sounds more like a kid whining to her mom.

"You look beautiful" he show her a picture of her complaining with her creased forehead and furrowed eyebrow.

"What are you talking about ? Are you making fun of me again ?" She crossed her arm and narrowed her eyes.

"No. I'm being serious" he then proceeded to show her a whole lot of her pictures with different expressions. "See ?" He ask her while still scrolling her every pictures.

"See what ? Me with a numerous stupid expressions ?" She glared at him.

"See you. Every moment of you" he smiled softly.

Thank you all for waiting. I'm doing a double updates.

SIDELINE ( Rose & Jungkook )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang