Chapter 15 - Until Her

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"W-what ?" She widened her eyes in disbelief. Maybe she heard it wrong.
"W-what are you talking about Jungkook ? Have you been drinking ?" She said with a nervous tone "nope. I'm completely sober" he said staring more intently and getting more closer to her. "Thank you" he suddenly said with his bunny smile which makes her more confused with this new behavior of him. 'Thank you for loving me' he said silently in his head.

"Why are you thanking me jungkook ?" She ask him "i don't recall doing anything that acquires your thank you" maybe he's sick , she thought. "Are you okay kookie ? " she ask suddenly getting closer to his face and touch his forehead to check his temperature.
Jungkook's heart is about to explode into a million of butterflies because of her sweet gesture. 'I'm so whipped' he thought.

Jungkook knows that if he confessed to her right now , she would probably think that he's joking and will definitely start to avoid him. So he chose the other option , to start with baby steps.
Even though he's a very impatient person when it comes to anything that he wanted to get. but if it's her then he can wait.

For her. He thought

"Nope , i'm not sick, but you will be soon if you continue to sit here when it's freezing cold chae" he said suddenly getting up and offering his hand out for her to reach "so, let's get you home shall we and that's a direct order from your boss not a question so you can't say no" he smiles when she grab his hand but as soon as she gets up she let go of his hand which makes him frown.

"That's called misusing your power" she said giggling but feeling thankful because she is starting to feel the cold air in her skin and she just realize that it's nearing winter "but thank you kookie" she smiled when she start to walk but then a hand stop her steps and that hand grab hers locking their hands together like it's the most natural thing in the world.

"I'm sensitive to cold" he said which probably the most stupid reason that he could come up with because all he can think about is her hand that fits perfectly with his and the disappointment that he felt when she let go of his hand.

"What ? Why didn't you just said so ?" She held his hand tighter hoping to give him more warmth , well she is the innocent park chaeyoung so it's not a surprised that she is very gullible.

When they are on their way to chaeyoung's house the mood in the car is really comfortable and they occasionally makes little talks and laughter could be heard here and there especially chaeyoung's giggles that sound so pleasing for him.

And soon enough it suddenly turn into a '20 question' game. It's chaeyoung's idea actually and anything about chaeyoung then jungkook will for sure agree.

"Let start from me first ! What's your favorite color ?" She ask giggling because she never thought that he would agree to play this childish game.
"Anything pastel" because you're always in it. He thought. "Yeayy we're the same ! I love pastel colors the most" she chirped "okay then your turn kookie" she gestured him to ask.

"What's your favorite romance movie ?" The reason he ask this question is to know what her likes and dislikes especially since he's planning to court her.

"I like all cheesy movies like The Notebook , Love,Rosie , Me Before You and there's still plenty on my list. I just love the idea of being in love and seeing their romance bloom" okay so lesson number one is to watch all the movies that she mention just now to know what kind of romantic gestures in the movies and learn from it.

"So you like sweet gestures like when the man giving the girl flowers , a picnic date in the park kind of thing huh ?" He ask even though he already know the answer by seeing her smiling so big from ear to ear.

"You can't ask twice kookie and it's my turn now" she said with a slight giggle in her voice "what's your favorite place in this whole world ?" She ask looking at him.

"The park behind our school" because it's your favorite place to draw and it's my favorite place to watch you.

"Really ? But i always go there and i never saw you" well she always spends her time there because it's so peaceful and a very good spot to draw and read.

"Moving on" he quickly change the topic "what's was your first impression about me ?"

"A very lonely person" it's true though. The first time she saw him walking down the hall in school with his cold aura she look past through that mask and saw a lonely boy "you just seem sad" she added.

Jeon jungkook remember that day very clearly. The first day of school was the day that he felt very sad and angry about his mom that left him and his father who's having troubles with his company and then she just left them with another and more richer man.

That's when he decided that women are all the same. He hated women. That's why he becomes some kind of playboy back in high school. And never being serious about the idea of love. Love was some kind of bullshit for him.

Until her.
Until Park Chaeyoung.

It's because of her that he knows , that love was real and it does exist
He learn that you can Love someone without expecting anything back because the idea of being in love is already enough. Especially after he saw how happy she was when he noticed her gifts.
It's because of her.
She teaches him how to gave love to someone with small things. That love is love.
That love never changed.
And that's what makes Jeon Jungkook loves Her. Because she loves him.

"Jungkook ?" His name rolled off her tongue and it wake him up from his thoughts "sorry i'm just having some flashback. And by the way i'm not sad back then. That's called being cool" he jokingly said which makes her start to laugh.

"Okay one more question. What's your first impression about me?" Chaeyoung ask back while still making that cute giggling face.

"Beautiful" he said confidently "really ? You must be joking. Have you seen me in high school ? I look hideous" she makes a face that said 'you're mocking me'

"I've seen you and my first impression was ,  you are beautiful"

She is indeed beautiful. She's beautiful because of her kindness and soft words. She's beautiful for being herself in a world where everyone want to follow the other. She's beautiful because she's just full of love.

She's the most beautiful for him.

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