Chapter 1

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Chapter one

My dad's pretty special, huh? He's got money, he's has people calling him all the time, he's got a pretty wife he's got it all. Nice house, nice cars, the perfect family. 

But underneath all that is a man trying to get out . And he can't, because he's to wrapped up in record lables and publicity to even notice that he wants out. I don't get to see much of him, I mean I guess I kind of do. But he's mostly dressed up and getting ready to go to some big interview or something. 

Him and my mum fight a lot too. But they'll break up, they love each other to much, even though they throw things at one another and call each other names. Sometimes, when my mom's not looking, my dad stares in adoration at her- I think it's beautfiul how much two people can love one another but hate each other at the same time. 

He just gives her this looks, like he's thinking of all the things he could say to her right now. [in a loving way, of course.] But he doesn't, he shakes his head and smiles at her and then looks down because he can't bring himself to tell her how beautfiul she looks. Only because she'd never believe it anyway, so he would just be wasting his breath. 

I don't know why my mom has such a bad image of herself in her head, she's always told me "Zara, your thoughts are the most toxic thing you'll ever have. And as long as they only slip in every once in awhile you'll be okay." But I think she likes to listen to her thoughts, because she walks around like she shouldn't even be here. 

It breaks my heart seeing my mum like that, she's so beautiful and I tell her all the time. She just smiles at me and touches my cheek before she shakes her head and walks away. Don't think that she doesn't talk, because she does. She talks all the time, so she's not like depressed or anything. I just think her going so long without having dad tell her she's a beautfiul piece of art has really downed her, she even tries like realllllly tries for him. He'll drool over her while she's not looking but when she turns to face him he'll look down like he wasn't even looking.

I can't help but laugh at himwhen he does this, but at the same time it makes me wanna smack the shit out of him. "Tell her!" I whispered to him, he'd just shake his head and laugh at me. 

She cries sometimes, and I don't know what to do. But dad usually does something when that happens, he'll hold her and let her cry it out on his shoulder. I like watching their relationship, I remember being there for the wedding-even though I was only five. Their wedding is one of the most important things in my memory, just watching two people so in love making it final made me want to experience love even more. 

They do love each other, I don't care what anyone says. I've heard stories from my mum about how they got together, she spared me the details and got right to the first day she got to Australia. Back then she was in Melbourne, not Sydney like we are now. But they've defiantly been threw to much together to end it all over some stupid fights. 

"Hey mum." I said, walking out of my room. 

"Hmm?" She asked, she was cooking supper.

"Can Sarah come over?" I asked, sitting on the counter beside her. 

"Of course, will she be here for supper?" She said, looking at me. Sometimes you can tell how much sleep she's lost from working so much or just nightmares. I know she has them even though she tells me she doesn't, according to my dad, she's been threw a few 'tramatizing' events throughout her life before she met my daddy. So that's why she sometimes has nightmares, apparently they usually happen when she's scared me or daddy are going to leave her, she doesn't like being alone. 

"I think so, can she stay the night?" 

"Yes, dear." 

"Thank mama." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and was about to go back to my room until dad walked in. Lexi started jumping on him and trying to kiss his face, she's gotten so big. "DADDY!" I screamed. 

I ran towards him and hugged him tightly, I haven't seen him in a few days. He was away in Cali for something to do with The Janoskians, I think mum has had a few .. negative thoughts beause he went so far away. "Hey baby, how are you." He said, kissing my cheek. I looked at his hands, he was holding 12 roses all wrapped up in a nice bunddle. 

I smiled at him and the cocked my head toward the kitchen, he smiled and bit his lip before walking in. I stood behind him and watched my mum's reaction to the flowers, she cleary wasn't expecting it because she dropped the spoon she was holding and ran up to him and started kissing his face. Not leaving a part of his skin un-kissed. 

I smiled and walked back downstairs, "Hey." I said into the phone when Sarah picked up. "What's for tonight? Did you wanna come over, I think I can get the car so we can go get snacks and movies." 

"Yeah sure, could you pick me up though? Parents aren't getting along." 

"Yeah probably, just let me go ask my mum if I can take her car." I hung up the phone and walked back upstairs, "Hey, can I have the car so I can go pick up Sarah?" 

"Sure hunny, key's are right there." She pointed to the rack all the keys were on, "Need money?" She asked. I nodded my head and walked over to the island counter where she was about to get her wallet out.

"No, I got it this time. You probably did it everyday since I was gone." My dad said to her, she smiled at him and daddy handed me money, "You're gonna clean the car when Sarah goes home right?" He winked at me. 

"Of course." I kissed both their cheeks and left. They've always made me work for things I wanted without actually making me go out and get a job, and I really like that. This way, people can't say I'm a spolied brat with a 'rich' daddy. I hate when people talk shit like that, I've gotten into a few fights over that kind of stuff. 

I pulled into Sarah's driveway and honked the horn, she ran out the door a bit to fast and slammed the door shut. "Easy, this is my mom's !" I told her.

"Sorry, I just need out of that house." I pulled out of the driveway and headed down to MacDonald's, "What happened?" I asked her.

"Dad just started freaking out, saying mum was cheating and bullshit." She's full out Australian, me on the other hand.. Not so much. Her accent and langaue is a bit stronger than mine, thanks to my mum being Canadian and taking some trips up there every year, I haven't exactly got the full accent down.  "Said that mum was a flithy cunt and that's when I got in it and started telling him he needed to calm down, mum started crying, she kicked dad out and now this." 


"Yeah, so is it cool if I stay at your house for a bit?" She asked me, I looked at her. I'm sure mum wouldn'tmind.

"You'll have to wait until I ask my mum, I don't wanna say yay or nay until I ask her. I'm sure she wouldn't care if you explained that to her." 

"Fuck I'm sick of this shit though, ya know? It's fight after fight, for no fucking reason. Makes me wanna hang myself in our back yard." 

"Shut up!"  I screamed at her, I hate when people talk about sucide, even if they're only using it as an expression. 


"We're home!" I called out, places our bags on the counter. Sarah came in behind me and took her shoes off, placing them beside mine. "Mum?" I walked around the house and then looked outside, "Dad's car is gone." I said to Sarah,she shrugged her shoulders and sipped her pop. I took out my phone and called my dad, "Hello, where are you guys?" 

"We went out for supper." He told me.

"Oh okay, just wasn't sure. Are we allowed in the pool?" 

"Yes, Zara you're 17. You don't need to keep asking permission for these kinds of things." He laughed on the other line. 

I huffed and hung up after saying bye, "Pool?" I asked Sarah, she widened her eyes and ran into the bathroom, and almost literally, 10 seconds later she was changed and ready to go.

"Don't have to ask me twice." She laughed.  Sarah's the 'All Australian' type of chick, she's got the blues eyes and long blonde hair that touches her butt. And she's got a lean anad fit body, but unlike me, she was blessed with it. I have to keep up with mine at the gym and eating right, she can eat a cow and never gain an ounce. 

[a/n] this is chapter one, what do ya's think? (: xxxbella

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