Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

I cannot, for the life of me, leave my bed. I can't even get up to eat, and that says a lot.

Dad hasn't come home in forever, but he's been transfering money into my bank account and I haven't seen mom since that morning me and her got into a small fight. I've  been crying a lot too. School hasn't been on my 'to do list' since I saw Sarah at Luke's, only because I know she'll make a huge fucking deal out of it.

And then there's Luke. I know I said 'we an fuck around with whoever' but he called Sarah over pretty fucking quick. But, I have to take blame for that, it was my words that basically gave him premission AND I did makeout with his best friend right in front of him. 

Karma, she's one huge bitch. 

But, Luke's been trying to call me. Even Ashton's been leaving me voicemails asking where I'm at, saying 'the crew' misses me, but I have no intentions of seeing of them. My body isn't in the greatest shape for company right, especailly the outside look. I look like someone took a pillowcase full of fucking apples and smashed me with  it over and over, and I kinda felt like that.

My body was actually still bruised from the last couple fights I got into at school, the only thing that really hurts anymore was just my ribs. Oh, and my heart, but hey. Nothing I can do about that. 

There was a knock at the door, there's been a few in the last couple days but I just igorned them. This knock seems gentle at first and then  after I lay in bed,ignoring it, it becomes louder and more agressive. It's not locked, someone could just walk right in, but no one has. 

I laid in bed, my back turned to toward my bedroom door when I heard footsteps and the front door close. I sighed, "I'm probably gonna die right now." I said to myself. I heard someone jog downstairs and then I actually started to get scared, so I held my breath.

My door slowly opened, oh fuck. "Zara?" His huskey voice sounded strained and like it was viberating against his throat. "Zara, are you here?" His voice cracked and I gulped. 

"Yeah." I rolled over and seen Luke standing in my door frame. He looked tired and worn out, his eyes didn;t look as blue anymore and his lips weren't they're usual pink-ish colour, they're a nude-white. "Why?" 

He came over to my bed and sat down, kicking off his shoes before laying down beside me. His arms ingulfed me and pulled me towards him. His smell went threw my nose and I could've cried just at that, I didn't realzie how much I missed him until I felt his touch on me again. "I missed you so much." It sounded like he choked, like how you do when you're trying to hold back tears. But why would he crying?

"I missed you." I said into his sweatshirt. His hand was drawing a circle on my back and it felt so relazing, I felt like I was melting into him. I would've cried at the affection I was getting from him, but my body was too dehyderated to produce any tears at the moment and I could feel my body trying to reply to Luke's gestures but it was slowly shutting down because it was over working itself.

"You need to eat something, or at least drink some water." His lips connected to my forehead and then he pulled away to look at me, "Zar?" He said. He used my nickname, ugh. 


"Let's get up and get something to eat, yeah?" 

"No." I'm so malnurished I'm out of breath from saying two words. I don't have the engery to fight with him when he picks me up out of my bed and puts me on his back. My head lays on his shoulder, my arms and legs wrapped around him as tightly as they can while we walk upstairs. He puts me on the couch, my eyes slightly closed from the headache I just recivied.

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