Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 

(This is going to be in first person because it's like the last chapter. There's dates on everything tho! So it shouldn't be too hard to figure out! thank you to everyone who has read all three books prior to this one, it means the world to me and I can't tell you how much appreciation I have for all of you! Xxbella)

Graduation day 

Zara's dress was was tightly fitted at the top and loosely flowing at the bottom. The mid-thigh dress caught the attention of Luke who was sitting on her bed watching in awe as his girlfriend got ready for a big day.

There was going to be a party afterwards, which everyone was invited to and Luke couldn't wait. He loved her family and her more than anything, and they loved him back. Daniel had giving Luke a little 'pep talk' a few nights ago, explaining to him that no matter how old or how successful Zara is, she is still his baby and he will so anything for her.

Zara have her hair one last shake with her fingers, rubbing her glossed lips together and then flattening out her black Grad-Dress before turning to Luke. "How do I look?" she asked hesitantly.

"Beautiful, as always." he replies standing up. She smiled when Luke kissed her tanned cheeks and then they both walked upstairs. "What time is the graduation at?" he asked Aaliyah.

"We should go now so we can get a decent spot." She told him, looking at her phone. They all nodded their heads and walked out to Daniel's car. Luke helped Zara in because she was struggling with her dress and he didn't want anyone seeing her bottom half.

He wrapped an arm around her waist when she got settled and then Daniel drove off. "This is a big day, Zara." Her father was flashing excitement with his perfect smile. His baby purple button down was fitted to his body shape and black dress pants hugged his hips, something that made his wife have a hard time keeping her eyes off him.

"Yeah I know, I finally made it." Zara said with a sigh. She was proud of herself, but she wasn't going to admit that. But she was scared, she didn't know what she wanted to do right yet, and she defiantly didn't want to leave Luke anytime soon.

"Finally made it." her mother replied with a smile, leaning her head against the window.

They arrived at the venue a few long minuets later and they piled out. Zara had to go sit with the other grads so she had to leave her parents and boyfriend alone while she went to find her seat.


"It's her turn next." Aaliyah said, shaking Daniel because she was so damn proud of her child. "Daniel look! she's getting called next!"

"Easy baby, I can see that." he laughed and held his wife down because she was going crazy.

"Zara Sahyounie." The principal called and Aaliyah jumped up in the bleachers and started screaming. Zaras face turned red but she walked and stopped for pictures. The diploma in her hand as she walked off stage and waited for the last two people to be called up before they were done here.

"Just a little speech from our Valedictorian." The principal said and everyone started whispering, because no one knew that Zara was voted valedictorian a few weeks before school ended.

Aaliyah was choking on her sobs as she watched her daughter take the stage again and start her speech. "Well, we did it! We've come so far with each other and I honestly didn't think I was going to make it threw high school, let alone be Valedictorian." The crowd laughed.

"Some will move on to college, university or some will just be happy with a high school diploma. And whatever you choose is fine, because you are you and no one can make you do something you don't want to do. High school has defined us as a group but here comes real life to allow us to show people who we really are."

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