Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"So yeah, he's the why I was such a bitch at  first on the phone." I said with a smile. I've been here for the last three hours, him and I just sitting at his kitchen table talking. He brought up all the slut rumors that were  going around and asked about them, and the bruises on my face. I explained the whole situation with Lucas and Ireland, and then now. "And my mum left, because that chick is trying to say that her kid is my dad's..Which it's not, but mum got tired of the phone ringing off the wall day. The bitch even tried to call me, looking for dad." 

"Yeah I heard about that." Luke laid back in the kitchen chair, one arm behind the thing while he looked right past me. He licked the top of his lip before sitting up straight again and looking at me. "Did you sleep with Lucas." He asked, I nodded. His eyebrow raised.

"Luke?" I asked, almost laughing at the question that didn't even leave my mouth yet. He raised both eyebrows this time, "Are you a virgin?" 

His eyes went wide, "Why do you ask that?" 

"Because every time something about sex comes up your turn your head the other way. Also, you keep asking how many people I've slept with...?" I've only slept with three people, which is a lot better than the other chicks at my school.

"I'm just wondering." He said, " Not all guys are pervs and always think about sex." He informed me.

"That's true, but they defiantly don't turn their head up when a girl  is talking about it." I cocked a smile, "So, are you? Or are you not? It's not a bad thing if you are, I swear." I giggled. Luke was defiantly to good looking to be a virgin.  

"Yup." He popped the p, well fuck me. [ not literally. ] "Don't laugh." He said when he noticed me chewing on my bottom lip, trying to contain a laugh.

"I'm sorry." I said, taking a sip from my Starbucks. He stood up, grabbing both empty plates and walking back into the kitchen. I just stayed there until he came back, took my hand and lifted me up off the chair and leading me somewhere. "Wha-" I tried to ask, but his lips smashed on mine. Making me squeal a little at the sudden move. "Jesus." I said when he back up.

"They're just so soft and big." His thumb went over my bottom lip, he was gentle. Something I wasn't use to. "Just everything about you, I can't get you off my mind." He kissed me again, "Those rumors have me squriming because I can't get the image of someone else touching you, except me." Again, his lips met mine. I feel like he should've been rougher with it, but he was gentle.

"I'm just- You're just up here, all the fucking time. Since that night at the carpet, fuck Zara." He said in a low voice, I can;t help but be totally turned on. "Don't think I'm just saying this to get into your pants, I'm not. I just don't know when to tell you this." His hands went under me, lifting me up the wall in the hallway. My legs hugged his torso and his arms wrapped tightly under my butt. 

He placed me on a bed in his room, "I'm not going to try, I promise." He said, backing off and sitting on his bed. He licked his lips, driving me wild. I sat up too, just across from him. "I'm jealous, overly jealous. And I can't help it, I'm probably seem clingy to you, but I'm not. I'm just protective." 

Holy fuck.

How does one process this?

"Sooo...?" I said, my head coming forward a little.  "What does that all mean." 

"Date me." Well, let's get  right to the point.

"You're not serious are you?"  I asked, holy shit. His head nodded, and I looked down. "We just started hanging out, we don't know shit about each other?"  

"You're right." He sighed, "At least just like..." He was at a lose for words, but I knew what he was getting at.

"Be yours?" I asked, a small smile came across my face and I raised an eyebrow. "Be yours unofficially?" I corrected myself. He gave me a silly smile and nodded his head. He crawled  over to me and laid his head in my lap, "You're like a little puppy." I giggled, my hands running threw his hair.

"Promise me something." He said, touching my chin. 


"Stop getting into fights and be careful. I don't like to see your face totally beaten all the time." I sighed, it's not my fault that this is happening. "And another thing, if you see that Lucas kid, kick his ass." 

"You just said stop fighting?!" I laughed,even though I was ready to burst out crying. 

"Kiss me." His eyes fluttered closed and his lips perked up.I did, I kissed him. "It just feels so ..." 

"Right?" I asked, he laughed and nodded his head.


I arrived home late that night, accidently falling asleep in Luke's bed with him. I woke up and it was 2:30 in the morining, I looked over at Luke before running out the door and driving home, hopefully he didn't wake up. 

I unlocked my front door and walked by the living room, the TV was on and dad was curled up with mum's blanket wrapped around him. Lexi was curled in behind his legs, her head on the top of his calf. "Dad." I whispered, shaking him. He woke up, still half asleep and looked at me. " Sorry I'm home so late." I told him.

"It's okay." He yawned. 

"Why are you on the couch?" 

"Bed's to big." He said simply, he breathed in threw the blanket. "I just miss her." His head hung low. I could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes, I breathed out. "Sorry you're being put through this too." He said softly.

"No worries, I'm good." I lied through my teeth. "Have you talked to Nan or anything?" I asked, which reminded me; I haven't even talked to her in that last month.

"No not yet. She would loose her shit, so keep it quiet." He warned me. I laughed, "I'm just going to stay here tonight, but you can take the dog." He pointed at Lexi. 

"No I'll leave her here with you." I told him, although it's going to be weird as hell without her  sleeping with me. But he needs her more than I do.
I walked downstairs and washed my face, I changed into my pajamas and fell onto my bed. So fucking tired, and just as I was falling asleep, my phone started buzzing. "Hello?" I said, my voice rasping into the reciver.

"You left..." I heard Luke pout. His voice cracked because of the tiredness he was holding in his voice. "I thought I was going to wake up beside you.." 

"You're so cheesy,I'll talk to you tomorrow okay?" 

"Okay." He yawned, I don't even think he knows what he's doing right now. I put my phone on the bed-side table beside me and turned off my lamp and let my head hit the pillow. There's no school tomorrow, 
which means I'm going to try and hunt down Lucas.

[a/n] short i know. I'm sorry..... UGHHH! xxxbella

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