Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Her eyes opened when she had realized what she had just done. She slipped to the floor to try and put the pieces of her phone back together, but when she realized she couldn't, she got even more mad and slammed her fists against the floor. "Fucking, FUCK!" She screamed out. 

I stood almost paralized as I watched her try, not only to put the pieces of her broken phone back together, but also trying desperatly to put her broken self back together. "Zara..." I whispered, leaning down and sitting in front of her on the floor. "It's okay, I have an old one you use." I gave her a smile and she looked up at me. Her eyes searched mine, she cocked her eyebrow.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She asked blantly, "Is it because you feel sorry for me?" 

Wow, that kind of hurt. "Ever occur to you that not everyone you meet wants to be with you because of your title?" I asked calmy. She shook her head, as if she didn't believe what she just said. "You know," I said. I stood up from the glass covered ground, pulling her up with me. "I actually like you, as a person and as a women. You're very head-strong and you don't let anything get in yout way, and I haven't been able to keep head away from you ever since that night in Ireland." 

She smiled at me, closing one of her eyes. "You're the cutest bitch I've ever met and I can't believe I get the honor to be able to spend time with you. Now, go get yourself looking.... less anger, because the mates are going to be here in less than 20 minuets." I winked at her and shoved her playfully toward the  bathroom. 

I smacked her ass in the process of her leaving and she looked at me, "Get." I said, pointing to the bathroom door. 


"Eh mate!" Calum said, he slapped my shoulder, jolting me backwards a little. 

"What'sss uppppppppp!?" Ashton ran in the house, throwing his bag on the couch and jumping on my back.

"Jesus, you little shit!" I laughed and shoved him off me. Micheal rolled in causlly, "What, too cool for a big enterence?" I teased.

"Meh." He laughed. 

The bathroom door clicked and I looked back, all the boys looked at me for a second. "Who's that?" I asked, his eyes lit up with curiousity as he walked into the hallway and stood there, waiting for Zara to come out. And when she did, all their jaws dropped. "That's Daniel Sahyounie's fucking daughter!" Calum literally pointed like a little kid at Zara.I slapped my forehead and groaned, Zara looked at me for help as if Calum was gonna pounce on her and start licking her. 

"You're like, famous." He said.

"Calum!" I shouted, he looked at me. 

"You didn't tell us about your lady friend. Will she be joining us on this fine evening?" Micheal asked, he walked over to Zara and kissed her hand. You little fucker. "Hmm, how do you feel about staying with us brilliant looking gentelmen tonight?" She giggled at his actions. 

No stop, I'm suppose to be the one to make her giggle! My face almost turned red, but Zara walked up to me and locked her fingers with mine and looked up at me. "Hi." I squeaked. 

"Hi." She smiled, "What are you guys doing tonight?"

"Hopefully yo-" I slapped Calum before he could finish his sentence. He cleared his throat, "We're-ah- playing games."

"BUT NOT FIFA!" Ashton screamed, he threw the game case half-way across the kitchen floor.

"YOU COCK!" Calum shouted and tackled him to the ground. "THAT'S THE BEST GAME EVER CREATED!" I shook my head. 

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