Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

I woke up with Luke's body over top of mine. I could feel the heat of the metal coming from his necklace being trapped between the two of us, making it so much more warmer than it already was.

"Luke." I whispered, trying to push his head off of me. I could literally feel his face sweat going through the shirt he lent me. "Luke." I tried again, my body was starting to become more frustrated from feeling restricted.

He took his arm off of me but still left his face on my stomach, I'm actually going to freak out. "LUKE!" I shouted this time, his head popped up and he fell off the bed. I laughed and looked over at the floor.

He groaned and looked at me with one eye closed, "I thought you were dying or something." he muttered before running his hand over his face. His hands shot down and he jumped up, his face was lit up, eyes wide and I huge smile on his face.

It was my turn to be startled and I jumped back on to his bed. My head hit the wall and I fell into his pillow with a groan. "What is wrong with you?" I asked and looked at him, my hand rubbing the back of my head.

"Oh shit, sorry!" he laughed, he fucking laughed at me being in pain. No. "But OH MY GOD!" he screamed and gave me a toothy smile, his cheeks were red and he looked over excited.

"What? what is it?" i said, why is he yelling, it's like nine in the morning?

"I. Lost. My. Virginity. And to a banging hot chick too!" He said throwing his head back in laughter.

"Are you serious?" I asked, I couldn't help but laugh at the way he was jumping on his bed, kissing me every time he came back down.

"Zara, do you know what this means?" He said in a serious tone, I looked at him with a confused face, my eyebrow cocked up. "Zara, I'm not a virgin."

"Yes.... and?" I pressed on, what was he getting at?

"I'm literally going to bang you whenever you want me too. You don't even have to ask, just do it."

"Slow down tiger." I laughed, pushing him away and got off the bed. I stretched put and looked outside of Luke's window.

"Even just looking at you in my t-shirt and just those blue lace things you've got on, I'm ready to go again." I shot my head over to him, what a horn-dog.

I laughed at him, violently laughed. There were tears in my eyes and I'm not sure if it was just from it being so early because I found it funnier than it actually was or if it was the look on his. One eyebrow raised high, his dimple showing as he watched me laugh at his words. He bit his bottom lip like he was trying to hold back a laugh and then I felt his arms around me and he picked me up, causing me to laugh more.

He swung me around while holding me bridal style, my arms were latched around his neck while we both laugh. My ribs were hurting, my stomach was ready to throw up and I started to feel light-headed. But that was okay, because it felt nice to laugh with someone instead of being laughed at. 

Luke stopped, probably because he was getting dizzy and then his lips found mine and my feet touched the floor but we never broke the kiss. 


"What are you making?" I heard a voice behind me, I dropped the wisk I was using on the  floor and turned around. "I didn;t mean to scare you." Luke's soft smile made me smile, my heart stopped beating so fast and I cleaned up the mess on the floor. 

"Pancakes." I smiled and stood back up to wash off the wisk. I turned back around and kept mixing the blow of powered, I added berries and then put them into the pan. 

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