Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


This wasn't a photo shoot.

"Take off the shirt too." the bald guy looked at me I'm patiently like I was his dog he was trying to train.

"Can I go home?" I asked, my voice was standing strong but I felt like I was going to bawl. Lucas didn't come with me because dad stole him for a few hours now I'm stuck here by myself.

This 'photoshoot' is something 18 plus girls do for playboy. "No, we have stuff to do." the fat bald guy turned around and sat on his chair, he was acting like there was nothing wrong with this.

"No, I want to go home." I seethed. I'm getting pretty pissed off and I'm not going to be forced into something like this. one of the men that was behind the camera came over and grabbed my arm, I slapped him. "Don't touch me like that!"

I jerked free and decided it was probably best that I ran the hell out of there. I burst threw the front door and ran up the street, a series of 'get back here!' was screamed behind me but I couldn't stop.

Thankful for the adrenaline rush, I slammed into some restaurant doors and headed for the bathroom. No one was in there, thank god. I locked the door before sliding down it, my heart was beating to fast to deal right now so I took a break.

I reached in my pocket and looked up mums name, I was about to dial whenever I thought it would be best I kept this to myself. I sighed, "mother fuckers." Standing up, I walked over to the sink and filled it up with cold water. After it was almost full I shoved my face in it, I could feel my body slowly shutting down and I needed something to wake it back up.

I pulled my head out and thought it would be okay to call mum now, "hello?" she answered.

"Hey, can you pick me up?"

"Done already?" she asked, I could picture her looking at her watch or the clock on the wall.

"Yeah, wasn't my thing I guess."

"Where are you?"

"A restaurant up the street, text me when you're here okay?"

"You're sure you're fine?" she asked, I could hear her grabbing her bag and keys threw the phone.

"Yeah, just hurry okay?" I hung up the phone and started to count my blessings. That's the second time I've almost been taken advantage of, holy shit my life is should have its own TV show. Mum texted me to let me know she was there and outside, I don't think I've ran so fast ever in my life. I hopped in and slammed the car door, I ducked down in my seat and told mom to drive. 

On the way back to the hotel mum kept asking questions, but nothing actually happened, so there wasn't anything to tell her. Besides I don't think she needs the stress of knowing it almost happened again- but that's the keyword here, almost. And no one needs to know what could've happened, that would only fill their heads with screwed up scenarios and make them worry over literally nothing. They don't need that. 

"Mum, really I'm fine. Just sometimes there's really creepy people, and you know that." I explained. "They're everywhere, not just Sydeny, not just here, everywhere." 

"I know, you just had me worried. After what happened back in-" 

"Live and let go, like seriously you're going to drive yourself totally insane if you don't." She looked at me and laughed a little bit.

"That's what I use to say to your father sometimes. He would get all flustered and walk around the house 'ouuu I should've said this,' or 'OI! I should've said that!' Or done this or done that."

She was laughing like an idiot at their memories before me, "Everyone's always told me I was just like you." I winked at her and she laughed a little harder. It's nice seeing her laugh this hard and this much, don't think I've seen her this happy in a while. "You should laugh more, it suits you well." 

"Oh stop." She swatted at me before pulling into the hotel driveway.


I was laying in my bed with a pair of shorts and just a plain solid blue coloured shirt reading a book, I don't know where everyone else is- and I kept help but feel lonely because I haven't slept by myself in a long time. The only two people out everyone is mum and I, "Hurry back.." I muttered to myself, looking at my phone. I huffed and went back to  Catching  Fire. I've already read the whole series like six times, but they're good books and I'm in love with Susan Collins. 

FINALLY my hotel door opened, revealing a very tired looking  Lucas, "Your dad knows how to party." He waved his finger at me while laughing a little. He stripped his jacket off and layed on the back of the chair, "Even at ten in the morning, he's quite the catch." 

"Oh yeah, I know. There's been parties opon parties at my house. " I tell him, I think dad's crazy addiction is partying. Even on weekdays he'll throw a party, get plastered, wake up and go to work then come home and do er again. "I don't understand how they do that." I looked off over at the wall trying to piece it together and figure out how any of them party and drink like they're 17 again. 

"Oh well, good thing is," He laid back on the bed and had both his eyes closed and his arms behind his head. "I'm back with you." One of his eyes opened and he smirked at me, his dimple becoming very promonent his right cheek. I poked it and he grabbed my whole body in one twist and had me pinned underneath him. "I've been thinking about you all day." He said into my neck. He pulled up and looked at me, I looked between my two hands being restrained in his, "Why would you be thinking of me?" I asked, my eyebrow cocked up and my head turned.

"Because you're beautfiul and I just missed you."

His eyes were sparkeling and he was a playful mood but he was also asking for a little something without saying it, I decided to take advantage of it. "What were you thinking?"  I bit my lip and grounded my hips into his, 'accidently' of course. 

He groaned a little and shut his eyes before re-opening them and starring at me. He looked down at my lips and took his bottom one into his teeth, "Just how sexy you are and how badly I wanted to come back here and kiss every inch of your face."

I could definantly feel my cheeks burning, and by the hardness of his jeans, I could tell his blush was slipping from his face and heading South. He rubbed his nose on mine; something I've always loved and then just plopped himself on top of me. "I mean I very much so show you how much I missed you, but I'm way to tired." He said into my chest.

"It's okay, I wasn't really in the mood anyway." My fingers went threw his hair and he rolled over and pulled into my side, his facing was snuggled into between my armpit and ribs and then all I could hear were soft snores coming from his beautfiuly scolped lips and I couldn't help but smile. Because it was right here right in this moment, that I realzied how much I like this kid- and I could get use to him sleeping with me everynight, curled up into with a death grip around my stomach like I was about to slip away.   I kissed his forehead, "I think I love you." I whispered before sleep slowly took it's course on me.

"Fuck sakes." My eyes opened whenever I noticed the light was still on, but I'm all comfy and Lucas looks the part also, so no need to move. Lights can stay on for tonight. 

[a/n] K I KNOW THIS IS SUPER CRAPPY! BUT IT'S 12 AT NIGHT AND I'M SORRY I NEVER UPDATING I WAS SICK AS FRIG!!! anyway, so i was going MY notifactions not the 'news feed'  and I NOTICED THAT PEOPLE WERE ACTUALLY FRIGGING LIKING MY CHAPTERS IN ALL THREE OF BOOKS OF THIS SERIES! YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT WAS LIKE FOR ME! i actually, literally, almost peed. And i'm for real not kidding when I say that. I was so happy! SO FOR THE PEOPLE LIKING AND VOTING ON THE CHAPTERS, I FRIGGING LOVE YOU AND NOW I KNOW HOW TO CHECK IF ANYONE ACTUALLY DID! okay,i need sleep or i'm not going to function in school tomorrow! OKAY NIGHT I LOVE YOU ALL! xxxbella

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