OBSESSION XI - Towards a different future

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Towards a different future

I finally woke up with great difficulty analyzing my surroundings. Even if I slept so much I still felt tired, as my eyes slowly analyzed the room I was into. I could instantly recognize it as Shaan's room despite the fact that I've seen it just one other time.

What am I doing in his room? I asked myself trying to understand what was really happening with me.

Before my mind could find the answer to this question, my attention was diverted towards the way the light seemed to illuminate the space surrounding me, accentuating the dust particles flowing in the air.

My once tired eyes could see things that I could never see before and I must admit that it scared me a little, especially because I couldn't understand the cause of such a change.

Before I knew it, I found myself raising my right hand, looking towards the veins which seemed to flow to the surface of my too thin white skin, their unique design mesmerizing me as I slowly analyzed my long fingers.

The texture of my skin seemed different as well, leaving me a strange sensation that it was something really important which caused such a major change to my body.

Before I could register more of the strange changes which seemed to have happened to me, the rhythmic breath of someone close to me suddenly distracted my too sensitive ears.

My head quickly turned towards the right side of the bed where a fallen angel seemed asleep. He looked so beautiful with his white marble like skin, his thick eyelashes and his kissable lips.

Looking in the direction of the familiar young man, I could see every texture of his creamy colored skin, seeming to be covered in a perfect velvet fabric.

The way my body moved when I was trying to see him from close scared me the most. It seemed that my body was no longer pulled by any gravitational force towards the ground, as my movements seemed as fluid as the water.

Seeing him made me want to touch his lips, slowly caressing his perfect body. But I couldn't. I didn't really know him or his family and I definitely couldn't understand him.

Who are they? Why did they bring me here? And what's happening to me?

These were just a few of the questions which crossed my mind in those passing minutes.

All I could understand was the fact that my body has changed: my eyesight, my sense of smell, my whiter smooth skin were just a few of the changes that my tired human shell suffered while submerged under the thick darkness which covered me during such a long period of time.

In that moment, all I wanted to do was to run as far away as I could from them. I felt lonely and frightened of this unknown world in which I continued to exist.

Looking towards Shaan's sleeping face and beginning to understand that I seemed to be more than a human my breath accelerated as my eyes widened in surprise.

I was scared and what was even more surprising was the fact that I wasn't able to explain why he had such a strong impact on me, even if he didn't force me to do anything I didn't want to do.

His sleeping frame exuded a powerful attraction, pulling me towards him with an invisible force. Hearing my shallow breath, he suddenly woke up, looking straight in my direction. His eyes widened in surprise as soon as he saw me awake and he almost instantly tried to move closer to me.

His sudden movements made me react as I instantly perceived him as a potential danger. A preservation instinct quickly took control over my body before I could even understand what was happening.

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