Chapter Two: Meetings and Greetings

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  "I can't believe you wanted to come with me, I'm so excited you are here!" Ivy squeals and I smile, looking out the window. 

  "I've missed you Rae, really. " she says and puts her hand on my arm, I look over and smile lightly. 

  "I just can't believe you're wearing that to meet Blackbear." she laughs and I shake my head.

  "It isn't like he is a king Ivy."I laugh and she shrugs and pulls into a parking space.

  "But it's Matthew Tyler Musto, the greatest person alive."she says then gets out of the car, I shake my head and get out with her. 

  We go to the front of the line and hand the man our tickets, he checks Ivy's backpack, then he lets us through. Another man leads us to the back through double doors into a room with other girls wearing merchandise of his, seeing their excitement makes me nervous for some reason. The double doors open again showing us a man with a tight black shirt on and with it tucked into his loose black jeans.

  "Okay ladies listen up, Mr. Musto will be here in a few short minutes. Remember, do not freak out or you're out, we don't want to cause a disturbance. " the man says and the girls get into a big crowd. There is only about ten girls, then me. The man leaves, tension builds up as everyone waits for the artist. Ivy grabs my arm and squeezes it hard. She looks at me smiling, then stops smiling, she rips my beanie off my head and puts it in her backpack. I laugh lightly and just look at the door. The doors open and girls begin screaming, Ivy included. I just stand there looking at him.  He has many tattoos, across his chest and all over his arms. His black hair is covered with a snap back and he is hearing a muscle t-shirt with ripped black jeans and adidas shoes. His eyes are a beautiful shade of green, and his smile is bright. It seems the room is going in slow motion as he walks over to a random fan and hugs her, they take a picture together then proceeds to the next girl. I walk over to a red couch and sit down on the soft cushion, he hugs Ivy and I can see her melt in his arms. They take a picture and she begins to cry with excitement. He looks at me. His green eyes stare into my brown ones, it feels warm. I stand up awkwardly and walk towards Ivy. 

  "So you must be the famous Blackbear." I say to him and he chuckles.

  "I must be."he smiles the walks over to another fan and proceeds to do the same thing. Ivy hugs me and begins to cry. I laugh and she pulls away from me smiling. 

  "Did you get a picture? " she asks me, wiping tears away from her cheeks and eyes. I shake my head.

  "I don't know him remember?" I smile and she shrugs.

  "You should still get a picture." she smiles and I sigh, looking over at him. He is staring at me. I look back at Ivy and nod. I pull out my phone and walk over to him awkwardly.

  "Can I get a picture?" I ask and he smiles. He bends down to my level and I put the camera up, I take a picture then he kisses my cheek and take another picture. My face begins to tingle and my face becomes warm.

  "Thank you." I say and look up at him. He smiles.

  "Anytime." he says then walks over to someone else. Girls crowd him but I still watch him.

  "Kaden!" Blackbear yells and walks over to the same man who walked in the room first. He whispers something and then the man nods then crosses his arms. Blackbear begins to pay attention to his fans once more. The man looks over at me, and smiles lightly. He begins to walk over towards me.

  "How are you? " he asks me and I nod. 

  "Fine. " I say and he crosses his arms again standing next to me now.

  "Doesn't seem like you're enjoying yourself. "he says and I laugh lightly.

  "I am, but I have only heard of him today. " I say simply and cross my arms also. He chuckles. 

  "He isn't all that bad, his songs may seem well too much but he isn't a bad person. I think he would want you to know that. "he says and I raise an eyebrow.

  "He would want me to know that? Why? "I ask.

  "I mean, he would want his fans to know that."he says and I nod slowly and shrug.

  After about thirty minutes of awkward glimpses from Matthew and casual conversation with the security guard, the meet and greet comes to an end. 

  "Well, I hope to see you around. " the guard says and begins to walk away but he stops, he turns around.

  "You don't think I could get your number could you? " he asks and I am taken aback but I pull out my phone and so does he. 

  I tell him my number and then he leads everyone out of the room. Blackbear is standing at the door hugging everyone on their way out. He hugs Ivy, then two girls I don't know. Then, he hugs me tightly. When we pull apart we look in each others eyes. I know it sounds like a cliche, but it was nice. I smile then walk out of the room trying to find Ivy, but she is nowhere to be seen. I walk into the bathroom. The walls are covered in graffiti and it smells of smoke, I look in the mirror and run cold water over my hot face. I sigh and look into the mirror. Sadness hits my chest like a bullet and tears cloud my vision. Get ahold of yourself Raelyn, you're trying to have fun. Don't get sad. Don't get sad. Don't be sad. Stop being sad. Nobody wants to see you sad. You're here for your friend. Stop being sad. I almost run out of the bathroom into the hallway. I run down the hallway and look for Ivy. Tears streaming down my face now. Don't be sad. I knock into someone, I look up to see the guard from before. He seems to be asking me something but my ears are ringing. Don't be sad. He helps me steady and walks me into the same back room and sits me on the red couch. Stop crying. He leaves out another door, and another guard is standing by the door we came in. He comes in with Blackbear. I look up at him and he gets on one knee and begins to stay things but my ears are still ringing. Stop crying.

  "What happened? Did someone hurt you?" I finally hear him ask me. I look up at him with red eyes and I shake my head. He looks at the two guards and nods at the door. Then they leave.

  "Where is your friend?" he asks me and I shrug.

  "I don't know." I whisper and he sighs. 

  "What happened." he asks me and I look down and shake my head.

  "Do you want some water? I'll get you some. " he says before I could answer, he stands up then walks over to a food and drink table. He gets a little water cup then pours lemon water into it. He walks over and hands it to me. I take it and drink, it instantly soothes my thirst and the burning sensation in my throat.

  "Is there anything I can do for you?"he asks me in a light tone and I look down.

  "Okay, but anyways the show is about to start. I will be back after the show. Then I will take you home."he says and before I can look up to say no, he exits the room. Leaving me alone.

  Stop crying.

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