Chapter Eight: Tears and Sadness

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  " When do you want me to come over? " I ask Mat as he gets his other leg out of my window and he looks up at me.

  "Whenever you feel like it baby. " he says, he pushes himself up a little and he kisses me quickly then we both smile.

  " I feel young again. " he says and climbs back down the tree next to my room. I watch him climb down and walk to his car. I close my window and keep it unlocked. I go to my closet and take out a grey shirt with my black jacket, denim skinny jeans and my adidas. I change out of my pajamas into the new and clean clothes. I walk over to the vanity and apply my usual makeup, but today I put on peppermint lip gloss. I smile at myself and leave my room and walk downstairs, I walk into the living room and dad is sitting on the couch with Cookie. 

  "Dad? Is it cool if I go out later with one of my friends?" I ask and he looks and me and shrugs.

  "I don't see why not. Just be careful?" he says and I smile at him. 

  I wait around my house for about an hour then call Mat. After twenty minutes, his Range Rover pulls up. I get in and he kisses me then licks his lips. 

  "Nice touch." he says and I smile buckling my seat belt. He drives away from my house and I just lean my head against the window. He grabs my hand and holds it the whole way there. We occasionally speak a few words, but it goes to silence. It isn't an awkward silence, but it is silence. I know I am already going to miss him. He is so amazing and I adore him. We end up making it back to his huge home, but this time there are black vans in front of it. Men and women climb out with their cameras and run towards the Range Rover. They start taking pictures of us and he groans. He drives into his driveway and makes sure to shut the gate with a button on his keys. He drives up his long driveway then parks his car, he takes the key out of the ignition and we both get out of the car. We walk up to his front door and he opens it for me and lets me in first. I see two suitcases, sitting right beside the door, ready to be taken to the car. My throat begins to swell and it is hard to swallow now. I look at him and he smiles at me, he grabs my hand and walks us to the back patio. He opens the door and lets me out first, like usual and we lock hands again. We sit down on the lawn chairs and just sit there, holding each other's hand. 

  "I'm going to miss you. " I say and he squeezes my hand.

  "I'm going to miss you too, Rae." he says and I look over at him. His eyes are closed and he licks his lips. His thumb starts to rub the top of my hand.

  "How long are you going to be gone? " I ask him, he looks over at me and his eyes squints due to the sunlight. 

  "About a month." he says sadly and I nod my head slowly, keeping my emotions within me.

  "We can do it Rae. " he says reassuringly and kisses my hand, I smile and lean over, putting my hand on his cheek; kissing him. He kisses back lovingly and we hear the patio door open, we pull apart at the same time and look over at Marissa standing there, smiling at us like a child.

  "Your ride is here Mr.Musto. " she says then walks back inside, smiling.

  My heart begins to race as my nerves build up, I don't want him to go. I need him here with me. 

  "Rae? " he says and I look over at him.

  "Yeah? " I say sadly. 

  "Why don't you come with me? " he asks and I gasp lightly.

  "Mat.. this is your moment." I say and he smiles.

  "I want to share it with you. " he says and squeezes my hand. I put my other hand on his cheek.

  "I need to be here with my parents Mat, they probably couldn't function without me there. " I say and he raises an eyebrow.

  "Why? " he asks and I look down for a second, then lift my head back up. Don't cry.

  "That's a story for another time, okay? " I say quietly. He doesn't answer me, he just kisses me. We part then we both stand up. We walk back inside of his house and he grabs one suit case and rolls it out the front door to the Uber driver, he does the same with the other case. We stand right in front of the Uber car and embrace each other, we pull apart from the hug and begin to kiss one another. His soft lips remind me everything is okay, and everything will be okay. We pull apart and embrace one more time. He walks to the passenger side of the car and opens the door.

  "You're ride is coming right, I don't want to just leave you here. " he says in a worried tone and I nod.

  "I got it covered. " I say walking over to his side of the car. 

  " I will call you as soon as I make it there, I promise. " he says shutting his door and rolling down his window. 

  "I will talk to you later. " I say and he leans out the window and kisses me. 

  "Text me when you get home, please." he says and I nod. A tear escapes, falling down my cheek. He wipes it for me and I back away from the door, he puts his window up and the driver starts the engine. The driver begins to drive down the drive way but then he stops. Matthew's door opens and he runs out, towards me. He kisses me one last, passionate time. We both smile at each other and quickly kiss again. He runs back towards the Uber then they finally leave. I get out my phone and call Ivy and she says she will come pick me up. After about ten minutes, I walk down to where the paparazzi are and I ignore all of them. Soon, Ivy's car pulls up and I run towards it and get inside quickly. She smiles for a few pictures before I hit her arm and she drives away.

  "Oh and by the way, you forgot to tell me he is famous! Who the hell is this guy Raelyn? " she says laughing and I smile. 


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