Chapter Sixteen: Drinking and Crashing

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(Songs for this chapter is Untitled by Simple Plan I recommend you listen to this on repeat for more of an emotional ride)

"The test is negative." the doctor says and I sigh, Matthew squeezes my hand. 

"But you did test positive for the flu, that explains the vomiting, late period, cramping, and any other symptoms you may have had. " the man says and I nod. He prescribes me some medicine and we leave.

  "Do you still feel like going to the bar tonight. " he asks and I smile.

  "We can go, I'll be okay. " I say and he smiles, he kisses me and I pull away after about a good five seconds. 

  "Mat, you can't kiss me you'll get sick." I say and he laughs.

  " I don't give a fuck if you're sick, I'll kiss you because you're worth catching a cold over and over again. " he says and my heart flutters, he kisses me again then we get into the car. We drive back home. We sit around the house making pregnancy jokes all day, until it comes to the time we have to start getting ready for tonight. 

  I put on a white blouse with red jeans and my black heels. I fix up my hair and touch up my makeup, Mat showers and gets dressed. We leave around seven and he holds my hand the whole way there. We pull up to the bar around seven thirty and I get cramps again my I hold myself together. 

  "Mat and Rae! " a man with long hair says and he hugs both of us. I look over and actually Cameron from the concert a long time ago, he looks over at me and waves surprised. I wave back and when I turn around, Mat is already drinking.

  "I'm gonna go say hi to Cameron. " I say loudly in his ear so he can hear me over the music, he nods and begins talking to his friend. 

  I walk over to him and he hugs me automatically. 

  "How have you been? " I ask and he sighs.

  "Great! What about you? " he asks and we sit down at a table.

  "I've been good, I just took a pregnancy test. " I say almost too casually and his jaw drops.

  "I'm not pregnant. " I say and he sighs in relief. 

  "Well, that's good. " he says and takes a drink of beer. I raise an eyebrow.

  "Thought you didn't drink. " I say and he smiles.

  "This is the only one I'm drinking tonight. " he says and takes another sip. That's what Mat says all the time. 

  Cameron keeps his promise and drinks water the rest of the night. I watch Mat and he drinks like a monster. I feel a lump in my throat and try not to cry. Cameron notices and taps my arm.

  "He doesn't deserve you. " he says and I smile, and look back at Mat over my shoulder. I sigh as he downs another shot of God only knows what. I sigh and look back at Cameron, he gives a sympathetic smile and I give a quick smile then look back down. After about two hours, Mat is stumbling around the bar, probably looking for me but I could give less than a shit. We make eye contact and he stumbles over to me, he grabs my arm and I jerk it away.

  "Don't fucking touch me. " I say and stand up. I walk towards the front door and step out of the bar, I look into the bar and Cameron and Mat are arguing over something. Mat turns around and walks to the front door, I turn away from the window and from him. He grabs my arm again and I jerk it from him and hold out my hand. 

  "Give me the keys. " I say and he laughs, turning away from me and waking towards the car.

  "Just get in the fucking car Raelyn. " he says and I shake my head, trying not to cry. 

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