Chapter Fourteen: Tattoos and a Possibility

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  "I already know what I want. " Mat says and the man nods. I am literally shaking, not for me because I'm not getting one, but for Mat.

  "Babe, it's going to hurt. " I tell him and he laughs.

  "I've already got tattoos and they barely hurt. " he says and I sigh.

  "What are you getting? " I ask and he smiles.

  "You will see when I'm done. " He smiles and pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket.

  " Can you exactly do this? " He asks the man and he nods.

  "This is dedication. " the man says and Mat laughs, I just chew on my finger nails for Mat. He puts on some sort of numbing creme on first I assume and then he is about to begin to start.

  "I am the one who should be worried babe, not you. " Mat says and laughs, I chuckle but jump when the tattoo gun turns on.

  "Ready? " the man asks and Mat nods, he begins to apply the tattoo on Mat's hand, right between his thumb and pointer finger and I just squeeze his other hand.

  "Does it hurt? " I ask and he smiles at me.

  " Terribly. " he jokes then laughs, I roll my eyes at him playfully. I squeeze his hand as he closes his eyes, I can tell it's hurting.

" Almost done, man. " the man with the beard says. I just continue to look at Matthew, smiling lightly. Matthew groans and I laugh.

"I told you it would hurt dumbass. " I say and he smiles at me. He nods his head, telling me to come here. I lean down and he kisses me lovingly then he pulls apart then looks back at the tattoo, he smiles.

"You are finished. " the man says after thirty minutes and I smile and so does Mat.

"Don't be mad. " he says and I raise an eyebrow. He shows me his hand and I gasp. It is the letter R in cursive with a queens crown on top of it. I drew this about a two weeks ago but I also drew an M with a kings crown on it. I smile and look at him.

"You seriously did this? " I ask and he smiles.

"Of course. " he says and kisses me.

"$120.00 man. " the guy says and Matthew pulls out two hundred dollar bills.

"Keep the change. " he says and we exit the parlor. We walk hand in hand, but I have to hold his left hand this time since he got his ri- oh my God.

"Did you tattoo your right hand because that's the hand I always hold? " I ask and he looks over at me and grins like an idiot.

"Maybe we should call an Uber, don't you think? " he asks and I kiss his jaw, then pull out his phone.


I open my eyes slowly. I raise up and look out the window, it's still dark. I get out of bed and put on one of Mat's shirts. I leave our room and walk in the hallway and down the stairs. I walk into the living room, then into the kitchen and open the fridge. I take out a water and look on the stove, it's 5:24am. My stomach begins to ache and I sit down the water. I sit down on one of the barstools, it has to be my period. It's my time. I stand up and take my water to the bathroom where all of my necessities are. I crouch in front of the toilet and throw up, I hold my hair back myself. I open the cabinet under the sink and take out a pad. I stand up from the toilet then I begin to use the bathroom, I put the pad down in my underwear and I sigh. I flush the toilet and wash my hands, then I leave the bathroom. I go to the laundry room and take a towel from the basket, I walk back into the living room and sit it down on the white love seat. I turn on the tv and begin to watch Cops. Matthew comes downstairs about two hours later and begins to watch tv with me.

"I'm on my period. " I tell him when he looks at the towel funny.

"Oh okay, you want something? " he asks standing up and I shake my head, holding my stomach. After ten minutes, Matthew comes in with a water bottle and he hands it to me, it is extremely warm.

"Put it where it hurts, it will help. " he says and I smile.

We sit there for about another two hours just watching Cops and I know it's time to change my pad. I stand up and walk back into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door. I turn on the fan and I open the cabinet then pull out another pad. I roll my pajama shorts down with my underwear and I gasp. No blood. I always change my pad every four hours and there is blood. What the fuck? Am I sick? My heart begins to race as my stomach cramps again. I don't want to say the other possibility. I shake my head and keep my pad on, hoping my period will start later on today.

I go all day with cramps and throwing up, and a weird craving for pop-tarts, and there is still no blood. I begin to panic but I keep it to myself, I am just sick. There is no possible way. Well there is a possible way but I know I'm not, that. After the whole day of vomiting and cramps, I just decide to take a nap. Mat knows the drill, whenever I am on my period it is best to leave me alone because I am always a hormonal bitch. He just cuddles up next to me and brings me whatever food I desire.

I wake up from about a three hour nap and Mat is asleep next to me. I raise up and my head feels as if it is throbbing. I go to the bathroom across the hall and vomit into it. Mat must here me because he comes running in and he holds my hair back for me, my eyes begin to water from throwing up. I lean my back against the shower tub and put my hand on my forehead.

"I'll get you some water. " he says and I nod. He leaves the bathroom and I hold my stomach. I shake my head and start to believe the thoughts I've had all day.

I think I'm pregnant.

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