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Glenn started asking about the stuff on their list; If she thought they’d find everything in houses or if they should just try to find a store. “We should try houses first, we shouldn’t go any farther than we have to” she replied.

Glenn nodded, stopping the car and blinking the headlights. It was the afternoon and the trees were casting their long shadows onto the road, making the lights visible. Daryl turned around and pulled up to Glenn’s window.

He told him the plan. As the two men were talking Pepper couldn’t help but stare. It was the first time she had gotten a good look at Daryl since yesterday. A swollen purple mess of a bruise right under his eye was all she could see.

When Glenn had finished Daryl nodded, drove around the still vehicle, and resumed his place, leading them down the road. “…He’s fine you know” Glenn began “He’s been through worse, a little bruise won’t kill him.”

She sighed; knowing his comment was meant to be helpful still didn’t ease her guilty conscience. “Glenn, I know that, but I can’t help but feel bad about it. Plus, it’s just complicated our relationship even more.”

He smiled “Relationship?” She felt a blush fill her cheeks. “Not like that! We’re just friends… I think? I really don’t even know…” she said blankly staring out of her window. “Believe me, you’re friends” he said with a hint of seriousness but also a smile.

“Glenn, if I tell you this do you promise not to tell anyone? Not even Maggie?” she asked now facing him. He nodded and she began “A couple of days ago I got really drunk and I made him sleep with me-“ “What?” he asked almost swerving off of the road.

“Glenn you’re gross! We literally just slept next to each other, but the next day he ignored me, actually he ignored me for several days, as if it never even happened. Then yesterday after the incident-“ she got cut off. “Oh yeah, I know all about that, Hershel told me” he said smiling again.

“You’re all a bunch of blabber mouths’ she said laughing. “Hey, it’s your fault, you should’ve known he wouldn’t have left you alone with Daryl” he said. “Wait, what do you mean? Glenn, he wouldn’t hurt me, he’s not a monster” she said now seriously. “I know that Pepper, but he’s not exactly a predictable guy. Hershel probably wasn’t comfortable knowing you just punched fucking Daryl, of all people, in the face! It's pretty bad ass, but still..."

Time almost stood still as she sat and thought about what he had just said. It was true; Daryl was a very unpredictable person, even dangerous. She didn’t know what it was about him that she was attracted to; the danger, the unpredictability, or the fact that he was actually a good person. “You’re right…” she finally said.

The rest of the ride was silent until they pulled into what was left of a neighborhood. It was an eerie sight; the streets were almost still, with the exception of stray pieces of litter, with blood peppered here and there on the streets and houses.

Daryl soon stopped in front of a brightly painted house. The orange color reminded her of her old house. “This place looks like it has nice towels” Daryl said walking to the front door.

Pepper laughed, his humor always made her laugh, but she soon stopped after realizing she was the only one laughing.

She readied her baseball bat and joined them at the door. They didn’t bring any guns because the camp was running low on ammo.

They slowly entered with weapons ready. The living room was clear, as well as the bathroom. “Look at the windows” Glenn said, lowering his gun. “Someone must be here” Pepper said looking at all of the boarded windows. “Or used to be here” Daryl said, checking the rest of the rooms on the first floor.

He told the other two that the downstairs was clean, meeting them in the living room. “Okay, I’ll look upstairs” Pepper said, making her way to the stairs. Daryl grabbed her arm, pulling her back with “No you ain’t, there’s no way you’re going up there, I’ll do it-“

“Look, there’s probably two rooms up there, and if anyone is in them I’m sure they’d feel less threatened seeing a woman rather than some sweaty arrow slinging man” she said, yanking her arm back out of his grasp. “If anyone’s up there they'd want to feel way more than comfortable with you” he said giving her body a quick up and down look. “Then cover me” she said turning away back to the stairs.

Her comment brought him back to their first encounter and bringing her back to the camp. He remembered how he refused to let her cover him and the rest, doing it himself instead. He chuckled to himself, then accompanied her on the stairs, Glenn following.

They slowly walked up the stairs, making sure to be as silent as possible. At the top was two doors; one white with a rustic star nailed into it, and one plain pink one.

Pepper walked over to the door with the star, Daryl following, and slowly opened it. As she did so, she could feel his body slightly pressed on hers. “Can you let up?” she blurted in absolute annoyance. “Just open the damn door” he said, just as annoyed.

She flung open the door recklessly and loudly. It was empty. Daryl left with a sigh, and went with Glenn to check the other room. She stepped into plain white walled room with white accents. Even though it was plain, the furniture and sheets were made it look really glamorous. She laughed at how dumbly she envied the room, as if it mattered anymore.

 Her thoughts were interrupted by two loud thuds, extremely similar to the sounds of bodies hitting the floor.

Unattainable (A Daryl Dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now