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Pepper couldn’t hear the two, she only watched as the man smiled and Daryl tense up. She knew exactly why; he only tensed up like that when he was about to lunge or blow up or scream or all three.

She waited… but he did none of the three, he only turned around with a noticeably clinched jaw and started walking toward her. He never looked up at her, only to the ground. She figured he was thinking about the next step of the plan.

He was coming closer to her, still looking at the ground, and she could see the faintest little pat of purple. It was only noticeable if you were looking for it, and she was; the bruise sat fittingly on his face, almost like it was supposed to be there.

He was finally an arm’s length away. Urgently he reached for her and whispered “I’m going to take you to him. When I’m just about to hand you over stab him.” “Okay” she quietly said.

“Play along” he ordered.

He instantly raised his arm up and made a fist. He quickly brought it down, mimicking a punch. She jerked her head over and went limp. He chuckled shortly at her performance.

Daryl grabbed her one exposed forearm, trying to pull her out with little luck. Pepper felt herself slowly come out as his grip got tighter and tighter. The man called to the two “Hurry the hell up!”

Daryl began to jerk on her arm, frantically and angrily trying to pull her out. Pepper began to wince as he did so, and he must have noticed because he let go as soon as most of her torso was out. He now instead put his forearms under her armpits, said sorry, and tried to lift her up. With two forceful jerks she was free and seconds after in his arms. Her limp body was slung over his arms in the stance of a newlywed bride as he began to walk her to the porch.

She desperately wanted to open her eyes and see him. Her heart pounded and her arm throbbed and her mind was everywhere. She tried to repress all of her worry and anxiety to get her knife out of her pocket ready and hidden.

In seconds the unknown man’s heavy breathing and Tricia’s whimper was audible. She squeezed her knife as he spoke “Go on now and give er to me” the man said.

He reluctantly placed her body into the man’s stringy arms. “Are you deaf? Leave!” the man said. His voice through her over the edge and she yanked the knife up and into the man’s head. She fell with his body, but quickly jumped up, not wanting to touch the vile man any more than she had to.

Instantly ran to Tricia to free her from the ropes she was bound by. When she was free Pepper hugged her tightly. “Did he hurt you?” she asked.

“No” Tricia said, squeezing her tightly.

Thunder crashed and rain fell, instantly interrupting the moment. “We’d better stay here until it stops” Daryl said picking up Tyler and going into the house.

The inside looked virtually untouched, like there wasn’t an apocalypse happening just outside.

Daryl sat Tyler’s unconscious body down on the leather couch and Pepper took Tricia upstairs.

Unattainable (A Daryl Dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now