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She quickly entered the room with the pink door, finding both Glenn and Daryl perfectly fine. Behind them she saw a very decayed body of a woman with an old bullet hole in her head. She looked like she died human. On the ground she also saw two freshly killed walkers; a little girl and a man.

She continued to stare, trying to make sense of the scene. “We’d better go” Daryl said retrieving his arrows and gently nudging her out of the room.

Now that the house was clear of the dead they began their search. Within an hour they had managed to find everything but baby formula.

It was getting late, too late to be out, so they decided to stay the night. Glenn tied the front and back door closed with tv cables and joined the other two in the kitchen. “So what’s going to happen tonight?” Glenn asked Daryl with a slight smile. “I’ll stay down here on the couch to make sure nothing else gets in, and you two can fight over whatever room you want, I don’t really care” he said.

“Why would you sleep on the couch when there’s two perfectly fine beds down here?” Pepper asked him. “It’s not about comfort, it’s about guarding the house” he said, looking down at the table top they were sitting at. “I’m pretty confident in those cables, not to mention there wasn’t a single walker in sight on the way here” she said in a quiet voice. “Fine!” he said throwing a glass down, leaving the room.

She quickly got up and followed him down the hall and into the room of the door he had slammed behind him. “What the hell is wrong with you?” she blurted.

He walked over to her, positioning himself in front of her, getting so close that he had to look down at her. “Why do you always have to fight me?” he said in a husky voice.

It was just like the first time they had met, how he acted toward her, how he positioned himself. Absence of trust just anger. This time she was slightly worried.

“I’m don’t understand” her voice was shaky but loud. “Every time I try to do something you want me to do the opposite, and you bitch until I do it!” he said with absolute rage. “Stop fucking yelling! I just didn’t want you to stay up all night for no damn reason! I care too much about you to let you do that” she said.

He flung the lamp off of the nightstand, sat his crossbow on it, and sat on the bed. “Could’ve fooled me” he said grabbing the bed sheet and cleaning his arrows with it.

She watched him for a while, not saying a thing. He was leaning back on the headboard, arrows in hand, just cleaning them. She finally lost it.

“Why did you ignore me?” he looked up at her, then back down.            

She waited, then repeated “Why did you ignore me?” Her tone was now more demanding. “You got in my bed, you put your hands on me, you made me feel safe, and then you ignored me. Do you know how much that hurts? Do you know how confusing that is?”

He stopped cleaning the bloody sticks and got up. He once again pressed his body onto hers, now grabbing the back of her head gently, holding it as he leaned into her face. Their lips soon met, sharing a soft, gentle kiss.

He pulled away, letting go of her. “I like you… but I don’t want to” he said in a quiet voice, one that she’d never heard him use.

His words only confused her more. ”I don’t understand” she said grabbing his hand. “Everyone I ever care about leaves me and I’m left fending for myself again! And I don't want you to go” he yelled, yanking his hand back and sitting on the edge of the bed, burying his head in his hands.

She squatted down in front of him, pulling his wrists down, revealing his face. “Daryl, I’m not going to leave you” she said, trying to find his eyes. “Yes you will! Just like everyone else… either willing or not” he said.

He was reacting like a caged animal, he was venerable. She’d never seen this side of him, no one had. He was just as scared as anyone else.

She put her hands on his shoulders, pushing his torso upright, then set her knees on the bed on both sides of him, straddling his waist. “I would never leave you willingly” she said.

He tensed up under her, but his eyes no longer watery. He was just as nervous as her, but she proceeded anyway. She kissed him again, just as softly as the first time, but longer. He began to lean back, letting her continue kissing him.

Once he was completely on his back she grabbed his hands, pinning them down next to his shoulders, moving her kisses down to his neck.

Her soft kisses sent him over the edge. He quickly turned her over, switching their positions, taking over. He continued to kiss her, but harder, more passionate than before, adding a little tongue. He felt little moans escape her mouth. Moving down to her neck he began to add a few sucks as well as kisses, making her moan a little louder and squeeze his hands.

He then moved down, unzipping her jacket to reveal her busty chest. He ravaged her skin, kissing and lightly biting as she attached her hands to his head, gently pulling his hair with every move he made.

When he tried to remove her tank top she stopped him. “Daryl, we should stop.”

Unattainable (A Daryl Dixon love story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя