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After dinner everyone turned in for bed. Pepper listened to all the conversations die down as everyone went to sleep. She was lying down, listening to the quiet all around her, not able to sleep. She wanted Daryl.

She got up and went to his cell. His lantern was off and he looked like he was sleeping. She walked in, trying to see him in the dark corner of the room that wasn’t lit by the moon.

“What is it?” she heard his gruff voice say. “How was your day?” she said in an artificial sounding cheery voice while switching his lantern on. She watched him sit up on his bed and she sat down on the floor. “Why?” he said. “Because I want to know. I haven’t seen you all day, I just want to make sure you’re okay” she said softly. “It was alright” he said, aimlessly staring at the ground.

It got quiet once more, neither of them talked, just sat. “Get off the floor, don’t you know it’s dirty” He finally said, scooting over, making a space for her on his bed, signaling her over. She smiled and sat next to him. “Awe! I thought you’d never ask” she said, grabbing and holding his hand. “Why are you always so grabby?” he asked in a slightly annoyed voice, but continued to let her hold his hand.

“Why not?” She smiled again and kissed his cheek. He only looked at her, but didn’t respond. She waited for him to say something, say anything even. When she couldn’t wait any more, she began to kiss his hand that she was holding. She kissed his knuckles and the top of his hand and continued to gradually move up, kissing up his arm softly and slowly, then to his shoulder, slightly sucking it. She then got on her knees and scooted behind him and kissed on his neck while rubbing his shoulders making him tense up.

“I saw you with the twins today. It was really cute. Almost as cute as when you got all sweaty today working hard at the fences” she said in a low seductive voice into his ear.

He quickly turned off the lantern and had her on her back, kissing her hardly and desperately on her lips. She moaned softly into his mouth as he let his hand wonder to her right boob. He lightly squeezed it as he moved his kisses down to her neck. She helped him by slipping her jacket off. He stopped kissing her.

All she could fell was how close his torso was to hers and his knees closely pressed on the outside of both of her thighs. It was completely dark.

“Let me” he said grabbing her shirt and lifting it off of her; telling her instead of asking. She let him, even as he unclasped her bra. His hands quickly filled with her flesh. His hands were so warm and knew exactly where to touch. As he sucked on her breasts he unzipped her pants, then she heard to sound of another zipper.

In an instant he was slowly pushing himself into her. She let out a loud moan, and he kissed her to prevent anymore noises from her. At first he was slow and his movements were purposeful, until she put her arms around him and rested her hands on his back. She felt what seemed like raised lines zigged up and down his back. Before she could even think about what they were, he had pinned her arms down and began to quicken his pace.

It was rougher than she was used to but it threw her over the edge. After what seemed like a lifetime of pleaser, they both soon reached their high.

Daryl rolled off of her, now laying next to her. The room filled with the sounds of panting. Pepper felt his arm sling across her, pulling her close to his body. Without a word they both went to sleep.

Unattainable (A Daryl Dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now