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“So you’re not alone” Pepper said, looking at the Asian boy. “Damnit Glenn!” Daryl called to him then signaled him over. “What’s going on?” Glenn said, looking scared and confused. Daryl answered “This little girl and her posse killed my buck.” Pepper waited for him to continue, to tell him that that they were in search of a camp, then she blurted “Aannddd?” looking at Daryl.

Glenn looked to her then Daryl “And?” Then Daryl scoffed “And nothin! They want to know if we have a camp so they can mooch off of us!”

Hearing that enraged Pepper “Is that really what you think? You egocentric asshole! We don’t want to mooch, we want to survive! Have you lost all of your humanity? Has someone screwed you over so hard that you’ve forgotten all about common decency? If anything can you just give us a place for the night? We have two children and an older man. We’ll even let you have that damned deer.” She had lost her cool once more.

It was obvious to everyone that she was pissed, even Daryl was a little shocked from the ferociousness in her voice. “Fine” he finally said bending over to pick up the deer before Pepper stopped him “Wait, the least we can do is carry it.” “Whatever” Daryl said walking away.

Jonah was big enough to carry the buck by himself. They all walked together in near silence. The twins were quietly bickering, Amanda and Garrett were holding hands and talking about something under their breaths, and Pepper and Glenn quietly discussed the new rules.

“We’re at a prison, there’s gates and the inside is cleaned out of Walkers.” he told her. She nodded, but she was thinking of Daryl. How could he be such an ass? What was wrong with him? “Hey Glenn, is he always like that?” she asked him. “Daryl? Um… yeah, he’s pretty quick tempered and distant, back he’s honestly a nice guy once you get to know him” he said smiling.

After awhile, the prison was in view. Daryl stopped and turned to the group telling them to beware of the Walkers around the gates. Sure enough, there was about twenty of them between us and the prison. It wasn’t too bad compared to want they’ve fought before, but they still needed to be safe.

“Alright, I want Tricia, Tyler, Patty, and Amanda in the middle, Thomas and Garrett I want you two on the left, and Jonah and Josse on the right. I’ll cover the back.” Pepper said to her group. Daryl scoffed “Excuse me, Little Miss Sergeant General, there’s no way I’m going to trust you to cover us. I’ll take the back, you go the front with Glenn.”

The way he dismissed her pissed her off, but she did it anyway, not wanting to fight. They stabbed and shot through Walkers, then into the gates, into safety.

Unattainable (A Daryl Dixon love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon