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Rick and Hershel were the first to greet them upon arrival. Rick looked incredibly tired, dead almost. Daryl gave little thought to his presence now in the perimeter of the prison instead of out; he was more focused on Pepper.

“She was shot, we need to-“

“Calm down, we’ll handle this, help me get her to her cell and I’ll do the rest” Hershel told him, trying to calm him down, and signaled Maggie over.

The three escorted Pepper inside just as everyone made their way over to see what was happening.

“What happened to Pepper?” the twins both begged from Glenn. “She was shot in the shoulder, we ran into some trouble” Glenn said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Well is she going to be okay?” Jonah asked, clutching Josse’s hand. “I don’t know…” Glenn said in a defeated tone.

Hershel, Maggie and Daryl finally arrived at Pepper’s cell. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave son” Hershel told Daryl. “There’s no way I’m gonna leave her” he said defensively.

“I understand you’re worried but you’re only going to get in the way. I promise I’ll come get you as soon as I’m done” Hershel said kindly, and scooted him out. Daryl reluctantly left, not able to sit outside of the door.

He was anxious and didn’t know what to do with himself so he decided to go talk to the twins. Normally he wouldn’t try to talk to people under the circumstances but he felt like he needed to talk to them, especially since the three had formed a sort of bond in the weeks since their attempt to run away.

He sat them down outside at a table and of course the first thing they did was bombard him with questions and he could only reply with “I don’t know.”

It wasn’t too long before Hershel and Maggie had come outside. Everyone was basically waiting, all staring at the two for the result. Hershel scanned the group for Daryl and immediately went up to him.

Watching him slowly make his way over made Daryl almost sick. Hershel finally made it to the table and Daryl quickly stood up, ready to hear the outcome “So, what’s the verdict?”

“She’s fine, but she’s going to need to wear an arm sling for about three weeks and rest” he said. A weight was instantly lifted from everyone’s shoulders. “Can we see her?” Tyler asked quickly. “Yes, but she’s sleeping so stay quiet” Hershel smiled.

“Thank you” Daryl said quietly and put his hand out, signaling a handshake. “My pleasure” Hershel said with an even bigger smile and shook his hand.

Immediately after, the twins and Daryl left to go see her.

When they walked into her room she was sleeping on her back with her arm in a sling, her eye was also swollen. “Is that a black eye?” Tricia asked, pushing back her hair. “Holy shit” Daryl said, finally noticing it. Her eye was swollen but it was so dark in the room so they couldn’t tell if it was bruised yet.

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