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It was weird. I remembered everything, from the moment I was taken to the final blow that caused me to be here. Only I didn't know where here was. It was a weird mixture of dream world and reality, an in-between that made you question whether you were really dead or just unconscious, this weird feeling of being alive and perceiving everything but being dead at the same time.

Alex had caused this mess. And Scott... He apparently wasn't a savior. He was on Alex's side. I couldn't tell what their relationship was, they looked pretty similar so I assumed they were brothers, but sometimes their interactions seemed more romantically based. But that was in those rare moments that Scott didn't call him an asshole or an idiot.

There was a beeping. A loud, shrill sound that cut through my mind and wiped my dream away as if it were nothing. Just an illusion. The illusion of finally being back to normal again.

I felt my eyelids flutter open and I was looking into the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. For a moment I was captivated, fascinated by how beautiful they were before my mind woke up as well, reminding me who those eyes belonged to and I felt myself flinch.

"S- Scott."

"Mitch, thank god."

Was that a sigh of relief?

"Wh- where am I?"

I looked around, panicking. I wasn't anywhere I'd been before.

"Shh, calm down." He ran his fingers through my hair. "You're in the medical room. Esther!"

I flinched as he called someone. A few moments later a young woman carefully came inside the room, making sure not to make too much noise.

"Yes, Scotty?"

Scotty? If I wouldn't feel like I couldn't move I would've laughed at the nickname.

"He woke up."

"Oh, amazing!" She exclaimed. "How are you feeling, Mitch? Headache, any pain in your body?"

I shook my head no. For now, there was nothing, just a pleasant numb feeling.

The girl, Esther I assumed, nodded. "Okay I suppose the anesthetics kicked in. You need rest, Mitch. Scott will take care of you."

Oh, will he?

I turned my look back to him, staring right into his eyes.

"Alex shot me."

He avoided my gaze.

"I know... It was just your leg, though. Could've been a lot worse."

"Fuck you," I hissed through gritted teeth. "Screw you and your what, boyfriend?!"

Scott's eyes shot up at the mention of boyfriend. He looked horrified.

"What, me and Alex?" He shook his head. "No way."


"Why are you so interested in my sex life?!"

There it was again, this mask that I couldn't get behind. Something must've happened to make him like that. So agressive. So sensitive...

"I- I'm not."

He sighed, looking around the room as if he was trying to remember something.

"If you really want to know, we're not like that. We- we used to be, but he's an absolute asshole. He's just an occasional fuck."

I raised one eyebrow. "You let him fuck you?"

Scott groaned impatiently. "I fuck him, but yes. Same thing."

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