Chapter Twenty-Seven - 'Everything Sucks'

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[ A/N: I did my own fan(?) cast of the girls! If they look nothing like you imagined, don't worry they're not canon. I honestly don't even know who these beautiful ladies are, I grabbed the pictures off weheartit. Anyway, welcome to the Halloween arc! ]


"I can't believe it... it looks amazing! So legit..." I squealed, gripping the costume Jackie had made for me in my hands. "Everyone's going to think there's an actual Super amidst the party."

Jackie chuckled, her cheeks warming at the compliment. "Why thank you, darling."

"You're amazing Jackie. Thank you so much." I said sincerely, looking up at her.

"Oh! And here's the mask to go with it." She exclaimed, turning around and pulling something out of the drawer and handing it to me excitedly.

I take the mask in awe, feeling the velvet material and tracing my finger along the edges. It wasn't like SP's mask, it was more like a typical one that just went over the eyes. It suited the costume Jackie had made for me, both having the colour blue. "The mask is beautiful!" I gushed.

"He chose the mask for you." She said as a matter of fact, "He said you'd suit it."

SP? I smiled, "Well give him my word of thanks too!"

"He left earlier for his hero duties and he hasn't come back yet. Maybe you can tell him yourself tomorrow." She said, trying awfully hard not to grin. "Have fun at the party."

"I will." I smiled, slipping the costume and mask back into the bag and digging my hand into my pocket. I pull out a hundred dollar note and smacked it onto the table. "I know you said not to, but this looks way too professional to be for free." I said, heading for the door before she could begin to refuse.

Something I gathered rather quickly as I walked into the party was that Super Psych was a very popular costume choice and that the smell of the alcohol alone could make you feel drunk. No one had to tell me beforehand that there would be alcohol, it was a given nowadays for parties- I was more surprised that the party was being hosted at Reece and Ash's residence. I couldn't imagine Reece ever agreeing to this. With this many unfamiliar people inside and out, it didn't even feel familiar.

It felt like I'd walked into the party hours late; the smell of must and sweat was already evident and people already looked wasted even in their costumes. On the porch there was a passed out girl dressed as a nun.

I pull my mask up when I finally spot Kimmy on the dance floor. Just as I moved towards her, someone shoved a red solo cup into my hand, shouting at me incoherently before proceeding past me in a groove, welcoming me to a party that isn't theirs and giving me a beverage that I can't drink. I put it down onto a table spread of food and drinks. My dad and Elizabeth had the decency to warn me not to drink at the party for the benefit of my lousy heart. It amused me, if it were anything else before the knowledge of my condition, they wouldn't blink and eye about me doing this stuff. So right now I didn't like to think I was obeying them; rather that I personally just didn't like drinking due to past experiences in high school.

I begin to approach Kimmy again when I'm grabbed by the arm. "Olive! I didn't think I'd see you here!"

My body reacts faster than my head and I turn around at the sound of my name. "Uh, hey Vince." I cringed, realising I'd forgotten to pull my mask back down. "I'm a friend of Kimmy, so here I am."

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